solved Big data comprises of huge sets of discrete facts collected,

Big data comprises of huge sets of discrete facts collected, that can be stored and analyzed stored with statistics models and computer systems, to arm the healthcare personnel like a nurse with predictive and prescriptive actions to positively impact the quality of a patient’s health(McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017). This data can be structured (Electronic Health Records) or unstructured data like the MRI images. When done right, there are multiple advantages of using big data including; improving quality of clinical decisions, shorten diagnostic times, quick access to data for analysis, explore new research methods, and cost cutting(Wang, Kung, & Byrd, 2018).One area where I have seen the impact of big data in my practice is in the care of patients with diabetes that currently make up about 9% of the US populations. The use of glucose check device like the Nova Statstrip connected with computer system makes the results available to all practitioners when it is docked reduces errors of giving wrong results verbally which can tremendously impact patient’s care and treatment(Rabiee et al., 2010). For example, the collected data is connected to the patients electronic health records and instantly available to nurses like myself at the point of care. This provides avenues to detect trends and patterns of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia episodes in the patient rapidly. This helps to facilitate both acute and long term therapy adjustments(Roessner, 2019). There are systems that connect this glucose monitoring with patients smart phone devices. This gets the patient involved in their care as well as track and monitor their diet and glucose levels. This is therefore one area that I have experienced the value of big data both in helping me collect data, process it into information. The information is then combined with the patients history in the in the HER to provide me with knowledge to make wise decision on the medication type, type of life style changes and education to provide the patient.One area where I have faced challenges with big data challenge has sometimes been on the volume, velocity and meaning of some of the unstructured data (MRI, CTs, ) that is generated. Sometimes the terminologies that are used or statistical terms become meaningless and build some resistance in using the results of big data analysis. When you begin to mention names and acronyms like HADOOP, SEMMA, CRISP-DM that are used to pull critical information from the treasure trough of data from genomic research, registries, EHRs and devices then am lost. One particular example that I have observed is the difficulty of comprehending and reading some of the visual outputs of unstructured dataTaking full advantage of the benefits from big data in health care requires an extensive approach in my opinion to build the necessary data competencies involved to facilitate communication. It is clear that many bed side nurses can collect data, process and use it to deliver care. However apply a lot of data mining tools to correctly use the trends and patterns detected is a challenge that I think has to be bridge from educational programs at the undergraduate level. I now understand why some new graduates that I train on the floor are taking classes in digital media, programing and computing. This can at least bridge the communication gaps between tech savvy information technologist and clinical savvy nurses. The second area I think will help it instituting a data competency culture at the unit. This can be achieved through simple workshops that expose the ways big data is been used on the nursing floor, how it is impacting decision making and area where folks can learn how to use.McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2017). Nursing Informatics and the foundation of knowledge. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.Rabiee, A., Magruder, J. T., Grant, C., Salas-Carrillo, R., Gillette, A., DuBois, J., . . . Elahi, D. (2010). Accuracy and reliability of the Nova StatStrip® glucose meter for real-time blood glucose determinations during glucose clamp studies. Journal of diabetes science and technology, 4(5), 1195-1201. doi:10.1177/193229681000400519Roessner, K. (2019). Big Data Are Changing Diabetes Management in Big Ways. Retrieved from, Y., Kung, L., & Byrd, T. A. (2018). Big data analytics: Understanding its capabilities and potential benefits for healthcare organizations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 126, 3-13. doi:


CASE STUDY: FROSTBURG FIT (EMPLOYEE CONDUCT/HR STRATEGY)Read the Case Study and engage in additional quality research to thoroughly address the two questions at the end of the case. Per the syllabus, your submission must meet the following deliverables for maximum point considerations. Written Case Studies and Chapter CasesThe student will write a thorough essay (750 to 1250 words excluding cover page for Case Studies) that answer all questions applying to the case and provided by the author. Do not submit as a numbered Q & A submission or as a bulleted list of data submission but rather as a completed written paper. The student should relate the case to the chapter materials and issues. All students should do any Internet and/or library database research required prior to writing his or her response (multiple sources adds credibility). Because this is a upper division course, students are responsible for their own time management and as such, should ensure they complete the papers earlier, rather than waiting until the night the assignment is due. The instructor does not recognize Wikipedia as a suitable reference source due to the editable nature of the material found there that raises concerns about veracity and validity of content. Do not cite Wikipedia nor list in your references for the written assignments. Ensure that proper grammar, sentence structure, and material citations are included for maximum point consideration. Include properly formatted cover and reference page for all case submissions. Your reference page for the Case Studies has to include at least two resources, in addition to your textbook.Submit as an attachment in APA format as a Microsoft® Word document only. Access GBC’s Academic Success Center web page for resources to aid in proper formatting to an external site.. Due to the high point allocation of these written assignments, a high quality submission is expected with depth, detail, and analysis for maximum point consideration. Anticipate approximately one week turnaround time for grading.RubricCase Study Rubric (2)CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent50 ptsStudent submission addresses each of the Case Study questions in depth with high quality content and analysis. Additional research has been undertaken and is properly cited.35 ptsStudent submission addresses most of the Case Study questions with quality content and analysis. Additional research may have been undertaken but is not cited.20 ptsStudent submission addresses some of the Case Study questions with limited in-depth, content, and analysis. Additional research has not been undertaken.10 ptsStudent submission does not address the Case Study questions accurately or at all.50 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWord Count Parameter10 ptsStudent submission is within the word count parameters of 750 words minimum and 1250 words maximum.7 ptsStudent submission is above the maximum word count parameter of 1250 words.3 ptsStudent submission is below the minimum word count parameter of 750 words.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProper APA Formatting10 ptsStudent submission meets all of the required deliverables for proper APA formatting including, but not limited to, font type and size, line and paragraph spacing, indentations, page layouts, citations, word usage, spelling, grammar, etc.7 ptsStudent submission meets most of the required deliverables for proper APA formatting including, but not limited to, font type and size, line and paragraph spacing, indentations, page layouts, citations, word usage, spelling, grammar, etc.5 ptsStudent submission meets some of the required deliverables for proper APA formatting including, but not limited to, font type and size, line and paragraph spacing, indentations, page layouts, citations, word usage, spelling, grammar, etc.0 ptsStudent submission is severely lacking in proper APA formatting or has not cited non-original material.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, punctuation, and appropriate level academic writing.5 ptsSubmission is free of errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc and written at appropriate academic level for the targeted audience.2 ptsSubmission contains less than 3 errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc and written at appropriate academic level for the targeted audience.0 ptsSubmission contains more than 3 errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc and/or not written at appropriate academic level for the targeted audience.5 ptsTotal Points: 75PreviousNext

solved Virtual Museum AssignmentOverview:Each student is required to virtually visit the

Virtual Museum AssignmentOverview:Each student is required to virtually visit the Art Institute of Chicago. After virtually visiting the Art Institute, the student is then required to write a 2-3 page formal analysis describing one of the works seen that falls within the scope of the course. Detailed instructions and grading rubric are below.Papers should be uploaded to Canvas; work submitted by email will not be accepted.“The first draft of anything is shit” – Ernst Hemmingway. Take advantage of the Writing Center!STUDENTS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO REDO VIRTUAL MUSEUM ASSIGNMENTS AFTER THE ASSIGNMENT HAS BEEN GRADED. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE ASSIGNMENT OR WOULD LIKE YOUR INSTRUCTOR TO LOOK OVER YOUR WORK BEFORE TURNING IN A FINAL COPY, EMAIL YOUR INSTRUCTOR. Any papers turned in that are less than 2 complete pages in length, will automatically be given a zero!!! Directions:Each student is responsible for virtually visiting the Art Institute of Chicago. While experiencing the museum virtually, the student will choose one work of art that falls within the scope of this course (Prehistory to the fourteenth century AND of a Western Culture). After choosing a work of art, the student will then complete a formal analysis of the work in a 2-3 page paper.THERE SHOULD NOT BE ANY RESEARCH OR CONTEXT INCLUDED IN THIS PAPERThe goal of this assignment is to apply key concepts and vocabulary from class to the analysis of a work of art. After completing the analysis, you will then describe YOUR interpretations and YOUR experience; therefore, there is no need to conduct any research. Because of this, the use of the word “I” should be included. DO NOT, at any point throughout your paper however, include the word “you”. Throughout the text the student will describe in as much detail as possible, while using art terms presented in class, their chosen work of art including the formal elements such as medium/technique, subject, composition, installation, texture, style, visual elements, principles of design, etc. From your description, the reader should be able to perfectly visualize the work of art in their head without actually seeing it. This section should make up the majority of the paper. After describing the work, the student will include their interpretations of the work based on the subject and information covered throughout the course. What do you think the content is? Did the artist include iconography? What does it represent? Why do you think the artist chose to depict the work of art in the way that they did?Next, the student should add the reason for choosing this particular work. What was it about this piece that caught your attention?Lastly, the conclusion, and only the conclusion, will then describe your experience of virtually visiting the museum. What did you think about the virtual experience?Formatting:Header including name and class/section numberTimes New Roman12 point font1 inch marginsDouble SpacedPages NumberedImage of the chosen artwork is included at the end of the paper, NOT to be included in the page count.Tips for completing a well written Museum Assignment:Read over all of the instructions and rubric for the assignmentMake sure that the work of art that you choose fits within the scope of this course (Prehistory to the fourteenth century AND of a Western Culture)Follow the checklist belowWhen writing use work of art or artwork (one word), not art work (two words)Titles of art should be in italicsNO CONTEXT!Checklist of key concepts and VOCABULARY that should be included in your paper:InstallationFrameSizeMediumTechniqueSubject matterCompositionVisual Elements (there are 8 of them, not all will apply to every work of art but incorporate the concepts that apply to your piece)LineShapeMassLightColorTextureSpaceTime and MotionPrinciples of design (there are 8 of them, not all will apply to every work of art but incorporate the concepts that apply to your piece)UnityVarietyBalanceEmphasisSubordinationScaleProportionRhythmStyleContentIconography (if there is any)Why did you pick it?Your ExperienceGrading Rubric for Virtual Museum AssignmentArt object is adequately described VOCABULARY IS APPLIED -use the checklist on the previous page-this is the most important aspect of this assignment Formal Elements are discussed Media/technique, composition, and style are identified Interpretations and content are explored Includes explanation for choosing the work Discusses experience of virtually visiting the museumImages: 5 Image of chosen artwork is included at the end(NOT included within the text)Total Points:100

solved Banking Concept essay, step one: Begin by analyzing your past

Banking Concept essay, step one: Begin by analyzing your past experiences in the following the grades: (K-5th grade) elementary school, (6th-8th grade) middle school, (9th-12th grade) high school, and community college and beyond. On a chart that you create, list any impactful experiences you had during your elementary school, middle school, high school, and college years whether positive or negative. Then go back, and analyze whether or not the experiences that impacted you in elementary school, middle school, high school, and college were a part of the banking concept style of education, the problem posing style of education, or was it a mixture of the two styles? If so, please specify what kind of mix you experienced during your years of schooling. Was it 50/50 or was it 60/40 in favor of the problem posing style? Please be specific. The more information that you put into this step, the easier it will be to write your essay. Good luck.
2 Examples:
K-5th grade: I attended a “fundamental school” for 4th and 5th grade where the teachers were empowered to spank students. This was a very banking concept way of learning that caused me to be fearful of my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Squires. This was a negative banking concept style experience for me.
6th-8th grade: I was allowed to plan my school schedule for the first time by choosing to take classes in the following subjects: art, math, English, P.E., and social studies. I participated in an English class where the students were encouraged to give input to the teacher and helped plan out the reading assignments. Class size was small, and we had lots of individual attention from the instructor. This was a positive Problem-Posing experience for me.
Directions: Using your Banking Concept essay brainstorm chart, draft a 1 page outline for your essay. The length of the essay will be a minimum of five pages. Your outline chart should be drafted using bulleted points except for the thesis statement and any quotes that you may choose to include in your essay. Use the essay prompt and the example provided below to help guide you in creating an outline for your Banking Concept essay.
Banking Concept Essay prompt/topic: Write an essay that focuses on rich and illustrative incidents from your own educational experience and read it (that is, interpret it) as Freire would. You will need to provide careful detail: things that were said and done, perhaps the exact wording of an assignment, a textbook, or a teacher’s comments. And you will need to turn to the language of Freire’s argument, to take key phrases and passages and see how they might be used to analyze your educational experiences from kindergarten to community college.
Example of an outline on Panopticism:
I. Introduction
A. give the reader some background information on the creation of the panopticon
a.) Creation panopticon is tied to the “Black Death” during the Dark ages
b.) Foucault quote: “the exile of the leper and the arrest of the plague do not bring with them the same political dream” (Foucalut 224).
B. describes uses of panopticons during Europe’s dark ages
C. give a few examples of 20th century panopticons
D. thesis statement: Without question, oppressive panopticism in 2020 is used: throughout Europe as a means of spying on the populace, as a method of maintaining fascist-like control over minority populations, as a system that offers European police more power to violate the rights of individuals, and as means for governments’ to invade the privacy of millions.
II. Panopotic Survieillance Techniques
A. Use of traffic cameras
B. Use of ATM and bank machine cameras
C. Hidden cameras on subways and trains
III. Examples of Police Using Fascism to Control Minority Populations
A. The passing of laws making it mandatory for inmates to have a tracking microchip implanted
B. The implementation of 2nd ID cards for religious minorities
C. Denying entry into European colleges based on Facebook’s racial profiles
IV. Police’s power to violate citizens’ and individual’s rights
A. Some European police are empowered to shoot first with no warning shots
B. Some European police do not have to start the charge for the arrest
C. Bail is not always possible depending on if the police deem the suspects terrorists
V. European governments ability to invade privacy of millions of people
A. Use of a European database to monitor religious minorities
B. Use of a “ban” list against Americans who voice “far-left” political beliefs
VI. Conclusion
A. Wrap up and analyze how Panopciticism has given governments control for over 400 years in Europe.
B. ?

solved The Risks of Contracting Without a Written Contract in PlaceNot

The Risks of Contracting Without a Written Contract in PlaceNot all contractors start work with a signed contract in place. Here we consider the risks this may involve, and why a contract doesn’t necessarily have to be in writing for it to be legally binding. Starting work without a signed contract means that your position isn’t clear, or even worse –it’s weak. It provides a solid and concise foundation that will help you navigate the law and make sure that you are on the right side of it. Along with aiding to minimize disputes and resolve any problems that may arise; a contract will communicate to a client, not only the amount that they are required to pay, but also invoice and payment dates. It also means that the contract is legally enforceable and will be able to support you if you decide to take legal action.A contract doesn’t have to be written to be legally binding, although you may have trouble getting these enforced as there is nothing tangible to state what the terms and conditions of the contract were. Email conversations can work as courts would look into the correspondence between parties, if the performance of parties supports it, for example, there are certain consumer contracts that are legally required to be in a written format; these include contracts for regulated consumer credit agreements (loans and credit cards), guarantor agreements and mortgages. If an email is clear in stating the offer for entering into a deal with clear terms and conditions and the other party responds with an acceptance, there is a strong chance that this would be considered a valid contract; however, we would urge all businesses to use formal written documents that protect themselves and their assets within a contract. There are many advances in technology that allow a contract to be signed electronically and be returned in a matter of minutes (although there are certain contracts that cannot be signed this way – wills, evictions and divorces to name a few), cloud computing has also made it virtually impossible to lose or damage these documents. Irrespective of whether you had a written or verbal agreement, in some circumstances, there are legal rights that apply. If the dispute is over goods that have been supplied, a buyer may be protected by consumer law, and with regards to a service, our consumer law gives us certain rights. A verbal agreement becomes binding when the agreements reach ‘completeness’; this means that all the T&C’s have been met and agreed – if there are still terms to be agreed then the agreement is considered to be incomplete. A verbal agreement that is considered to have been broken can be taken to court; the unhappy party is advised to apply pressure by form of a letter, email and phone calls. Poorly drafted contracts are often no clearer than verbal ones and can present just as many difficulties when it comes to ambiguity. Before any work or exchange is carried out, the contract should be signed by both parties; starting work without a signed contract poses risks. Some businesses are now demanding partial payment prior to services or goods being delivered to eliminate circumstances where there was never any intention of a customer or client paying in the first place.Respond to the questions below, select the Forum link, then click on Create Thread and type in your posting. To respond to a minimum of 2 classmates, first, click on one of their postings, read it, and then select REPLY. Please type your NAME in the Subject field.1. Many businesses and self-employed persons work without contracts and seem to do fine. Do you feel always have a contract in place if you provide professional services to a client? There are times that even with contracts, there exist loopholes and ways customers and businesses “get away with things” and don’t respect contracts. Discuss these arguments? Support your views with reasons or examples. 2. Does the contract have to be a formal written document, or can an email conversation suffice? Why? Discuss an example you have experienced or witnessed that supports your reason.3. What happens if an agreement has been made verbally, and a disagreement over terms occurs further down the line?4. What best practice contractual advice would you give to a consultant, dealing directly with a new client?5. Many people that work for themselves as “self-contractors” and do normally conduct business using contracts. Have you conducted business or worked for a business where there were no contracts used? What type of business was conducted and how were the agreements conducted?

solved Considering all of your writing from the semester, write an

Considering all of your writing from the semester, write an essay that reflects on your own writing process and your development as a writer this semester. Resist the urge to create an idealistic and uncritical representation of your progress – turn your critical, analytical eye to your work in the course and the documents you produced. This is not an evaluation of the course or the instructor; it is a reflection on yourself as a writer. Explain how the writing you completed this semester demonstrates that you understand and have met at least one learning outcome from each of the three levels: program, course, and student. Only pick one outcome from each level. Choose the one you feel you were most successful with and explain why with direct support from your processes and products.Your essay will be five fully developed paragraphs, each with 7 or more sentences. Submit to the Turnitin Link in the Final Tab Background and Introduction (1 para) Some suggestions for setting up your essay and leading to your thesis:Reconstruct your writing process for your essays. What patterns emerge? How does your process change from one essay to the next? How does the product reflect the process? How can you show your growth as a writer through specific examples?Determine the degree to which you have accomplished the student learning outcomes (listed on the syllabus), particularly through the revision process.Consider the ways in which you have become a more critical thinker through your work in this course. How does the writing you have produced demonstrate your ability to engage in critical thinking?Program Level Learning Outcomes (body para 1)Pick ONE outcome to explain and support how you achieved itCommunication Skills – to include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and/or visual communication. How well did you express your ideas?Written: Process and produce effective written communication adapted to the audience, purpose, and time constraints. How intentional was your attention to the rhetorical situation and the college level expectations?Visual: Effectively interpret visual images or produce effective visual images. How well did you analyze rhetorical appeals?Critical Thinking Skills: to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information. How did you work on processing new information and learning?Personal Responsibility: to include the ability to connect choices, actions and consequences to ethical decision-making. Class decisions?Course-Level Student Learning Outcomes (body para 2)Pick ONE outcome to explain and support how you achieved itDemonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes.Writing ProcessPeer ReviewInstructor ReviewIntentional RevisionOWLDevelop ideas with appropriate support and attribution. Brainstorming OutlinesDb plansDraftsIntentional RevisionsWrite in a style appropriate to the audience and purpose.Literacy Narrative Visual AnalysisArgument with Research Read, reflect, and respond critically to a variety of texts.articles, textbook, novelresearch, etc. Use Edited American English in academic essays.grammar, spelling, mechanics, cohesion, flowStudent Learning Outcomes (body para 3)Pick ONE outcome to explain and support how you achieved itComplete a visual interpretation, analysis, or synthesis project in standard written American English. Specific occasion, audience, and purpose are clearly outlined.Compose multiple drafts before submitting a developed research-based argument essay using proper research and substantiation. Research is delivered in standard written Academic EnglishClear Rhetorical Situation (GAPT) Specific occasion, audience, and purpose are clearly outlined and tone is appropriate and consistent.Conclusion (1 para)Assess your struggles and achievements.Explain how you see yourself as a reader, writer, and thinker, including what you understand about college reading, writing, and thinking, and how you will carry what you have learned about reading and writing in this class into your future academic work. Your essay will be five fully developed paragraphs; each para should be 7 or more sentences. Submit to the Turnitin Link in the Final tabReminders of important college-level essay elements:follow instructions and write to the promptaccurate MLA formata cohesive flow from beginning to end, with clear transitioning elements between parasWell thought out and developed ideas with specific details of support in each body parasubmitted before time runs out (no late work accepted)

solved Please provide a response to the following discussion topic:The ultimate

Please provide a response to the following discussion topic:The ultimate goal of a lean system is a balanced system.Based on the two videos enclosed, what should managers know about Respect for People?How can you apply Respect for Persons in the project you will submit this week?
Watch Video 
Watch Video 

A company that uses the lean system attempts to achieve the highest degree of customer value and satisfaction by focusing on the processes in the organization and continuously improving them. The end goal of the lean system is to deliver excellent value to the customer through a process that has no waste (Keyser, 2009).
The goal of a lean system is to eliminate disruptions, such as equipment breakdowns, changes to schedule, poor quality, and avoid late deliveries. In addition, a lean system should be flexible, meaning that it should be able to handle a mix of products and operate with some ambiguity. Besides, lean systems should have minimal lead and setup times. A lean system should also attempt to reduce waste and excess inventory (Keyser, 2009).
Respect is one of the most important pillars of a collaborative team. Respect for people implies that one needs to recognize and show appreciation for what each team member brings to the table. Respect also means that the work environment is safe for people to talk openly about their concerns, problems, and expectations while also listening to others. It is important to understand that in order to have a functioning team, respect for other people is paramount (Smith, 2014).
It is essential to train all of the workers in the organization about expectations for acceptable behavior, effective interpersonal skills, and how to manage any conflict that may happen in an organization appropriately. This is something that should be encouraged consistently amongst organizational leaders, members, different stakeholders, and the customers of the organization. Besides, when an organization initiates training programs to educate employees, it can help the employees and managers become more aware of how to act respectfully and respond to signals that workplace abuse may be occurring in their organization. This also means that it can become easier to correct undesired behavior when people are educated when it comes to mutual respect in the workplace (Smith, 2014).
Data has revealed that when an organization promotes respect in the workplace. It can have many desired benefits. Indeed, it can result in better organizational health, higher employee morale, less sick leave, make the workplace more attractive for potential employees, and increase the retention of employees. More respect may also lead to increased productivity, increased profitability. Data also shows that more respect can also lead to a more robust corporate culture and reputation (Smith, 2014).
Smith, N. (2014). Companion interview. BSAVA Companion, 2014(3), 38–39.
Keyser, R. (2009). Reliability in Lean Systems Reliability in Lean Systems.

As a manager myself, I know how important respect for people is. I’ve been a surgical office manager for over five years. Dealing with patients is not easy; we all have different personalities. At times, you want to say something rude back. But, you learn to bite your tongue! I have an issue where my front desk has an accent when she speaks English; often, patients complain about it. I can sit here and tell you guys stories!! The things I’ve been told, said, insulted!; For no reason. Respect is something we learn growing up; it’s not taught in school. It has a different meaning to everyone; that’s one thing I’ve learned throughout the years. Health care deals with inequalities daily. Cultural competency is misleading (Stone,2008). Understanding we all have different cultures is crucial in this field. We deal with all kinds of cultures daily, understanding and comprehending everyone with respect. This topic will be great to compare and contrast how hospitals had dealt with COVID-19 versus when they didn’t have a pandemic. Also, discuss patients’ beliefs and attitudes. Discuss different treatments along with their beliefs and how they can affect the outcome.
Stone, J. R. (2008). Healthcare Inequality, Cross-Cultural Training, and Bioethics: Principles and Applications: CQ. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 17(2), 216-26.

solved The purpose of this is to practice associating behavioral manifestations/

The purpose of this is to practice associating behavioral manifestations/ signs/ symptoms to DSM-5 symptom criteria. Focusing on  Anita Case study , upload your answers to the questions below as a Word document in this assignment area. 

Behavioral Manifestations/ Signs/ Symptoms: Review Anita’s case and make a list of Anita’s behavioral manifestations/ signs/ symptoms. This list does not have to be in full sentences, but you should not “change” the wording. For example: has trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, confusion, etc.
Risk Factors: Review Anita’s case and make a list of the risk factors (e.g. history of substance use, childhood trauma, death of a family member, etc.) that could lead to behavioral manifestations/ signs/ symptoms of DSM-5 diagnoses.
Provisional Diagnoses: Consider Anita’s possible provisional diagnoses in the Trauma Related and Stressor category: Acute Stress Disorder, Adjustment Disorder, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Which of these diagnoses can be eliminated and which should you assess her further for and why?
DSM-5 Criteria: Focusing on PTSD: List all of the criteria A through H. Identify Anita’s behavioral manifestations/signs/symptoms and risk factors that might be evidence of each of the DSM-5 criteria. List these next to each DSM-5 criteria.  See the examples.
Differential Diagnoses: Does Anita meet the criteria for PTSD?  Give a rationale, using DSM-5 criteria language, for your answer.

The following example focuses on provisional diagnoses of Substance Use disorders. The example is meant to show how Anita’s behavioral manifestations/ signs/ symptoms may be evidence of DSM-5 symptoms.
**Please Note: The DSM-5 letter and the numbers are used along with the DSM-5 symptoms. Immediately following are Anita’s signs/ symptoms/ behavioral manifestations in parentheses. This format identifies the criteria for the DSM-5 disorder and correlates with the evidence from Anita’s case.
Symptoms of Alcohol Use:
A problematic pattern of alcohol use leading to clinically significant impairment (Anita’s alcohol use would need to be established).
5., 6., 7., and/or 8. are possible if alcohol use is established. Evidence of clinically significant behavioral or psychological changes (behavioral manifestations – “periods” of symptoms [possibly indicating periods of use], not maintaining daily activities, impossible to reason with, moody, testy, aggressive, touches people inappropriately, shouts and screams, has trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, uncooperative, confusion, poor appetite, agitation, promiscuity).
Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal:

Cessation of (or reduction in) alcohol has been heavy and prolonged (Anita’s use would need to first be established). The following is an example of how to associate behavior with a DSM symptom:
(3) Insomnia (behavioral manifestations – trouble falling asleep and staying asleep);
(5) transient hallucinations (behavioral manifestations – periods of hearing voices, being “floridly” psychotic);
(6) psychomotor agitation (behavioral manifestations – aggressive, uncooperative, agitation);
(7) anxiety (behavioral manifestations – moody, testy, suspicious, trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, agitation)

Symptoms of Cannabis Withdrawal:

Cessation of cannabis use [for Anita this diagnosis cannot be ruled in or out until current or no current use can be confirmed]
Three or more of the following signs or symptoms develop within approximately one week after Criterion A:
(1) Irritability, anger, or aggression (attempts to stab staff, strikes out, bites, has broken someone’s fingers, uncooperative, agitation)
(2) Nervousness or anxiety (agitation)
(3) Sleep difficulty (trouble falling asleep and staying asleep)
(4) Decreased appetite or weight loss (poor appetite – need to establish weight loss)
(5) Restlessness (aggressive, uncooperative, agitation)
(6) Depressed mood (cannot maintain activities of daily living)
(7) At least one of the following physical symptoms causing significant discomfort [all must be observed]
The signs or symptoms in Criterion B cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. (Anita has been hospitalized several times, she does not have a job, her parenting skills are a concern)
Not attributable to another medical condition and are not better explained by another mental disorder, including intoxication or withdrawal from another substance. (There are no known medical conditions at this time. Substance use would need to be assessed)

solved E1. Impressionist painters sought to portray the world they saw

E1. Impressionist painters sought to portray the world they saw in emotional and immediate terms. Russian realist painters sought to preserve national traditions and lifestyles in their work. Both contributed to their national cultures by capturing the world around them in their painting, often showing an idealized version of that world. Choose one Impressionist painter and one Realist painter and compare ;their contributions to their nation’s identity. How did their art define something important about their national identity? Chapter 31 has some great examples.2. What does the Crystal Palace tell us about Britain in terms of technology, the economy, and society at the end of the 19th century? 3. How did Edgar Degas portray women in his artwork? How did Mary Cassatt portray women in her art? Compare the two visions of women using some specific examples that demonstrate the roles these artists saw women playing in their time? Chapter 32 has some great examples.4. George Catlin’s artwork was exquisite but so were the many pieces of art created by the various Native American art traditions described in Chapter 32. Compare Catlin’s work with one of those artistic traditions and what it produced. Please use specific examples.5. America created its own Crystal Palace with the Columbian Exhibition of 1893. What was the purpose of this exhibition? What picture of America does this exhibition paint? 6. Your book has a short but good section on the birth of jazz. Jazz is a uniquely American art form. How did it reflect America in the time in which it was being born? What picture of our country did this spectacularly creative art form paint? Why did jazz come into being during a time when so much else was going on in America? How does jazz today define America?How to Improve Your Score with Discussion BoardsWith the first week of Discussion Boards in front of us, it is a good time to pause and reflect before moving forward. If the score is the only thing you look at and moved on, you are doing yourself a disservice. Read the feedback and consider why you lost points, to prevent the same thing happening week after week.Here are a few common mistakes to avoid:Not writing enough. This is a writing class. You are expected to read and listen to the materials, analyze and write an understandable response that covers the subject and answers the questions. Use complete sentences, as these are not short-answer questions. You might need to do a bit of extra research.Cite your sources at the end of the initial post. Never cut-and-paste materials from sources. We want to see your thoughts and not those of others. If you summarize someone else’s thoughts or you use a direct quote, cite them. With assignments of this length, do not use long quotes. A short phrase is the maximum.If your response to your classmates is “Great post!” “I agree with you!” are all you write, then you will not get points. Read their posts and find something they say that you can comment on. You can agree or disagree but provide evidence to prove your claims. The length here is important as well. Say something interesting that relates to the subject. Again, if you use outside sources, cite them.Make sure your comments are organized, relate to the subject and make sense.Check grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc. As a college student, mistakes in these areas should not be present in your writing. When they are present, go back and review and learn why you made the mistake, so that you will not make them next time.When you have completed your post, before you post it, re-read and edit it. You send your best work to be graded. Grading should not be an editing service, but a confirmation of your hard work. You are not done and should not post until you have edited your work for errors.As a southerner, I often tell myself…Self, you cannot write the way you speak. Use your formal voice, with correct grammar and diction. To be honest, I was born a redneck, but I work hard to keep it under wraps in my writing. Writing well will become one of the greatest skills you can develop, but it takes constant work.Try to check and respond to your classmates throughout the week. Read my responses to your classmates as well. You will find that the give and take of the responses will add much to your understanding.Hopefully, these thoughts will help. Go through this process each week after grades are posted. It is always about continual improvement. I often say that for any of us, there is no finish line in writing. We will work to improve throughout our lives. Dr. Mike

solved Imagine that you lead an organization and have just received

Imagine that you lead an organization and have just received notice that the organization is the named defendant in a lawsuit. Your legal counsel is on contract and it costs you $1000 just to get them on the telephone, and the organization’s finances are relatively tight.
Using the concepts from Chapter 3 in the textbook, identify and explain your reasoning behind the 5 or 6 most-important things you would want to know about the complaint, the plaintiff, or your organization’s relationship with the plaintiff, before you make the call to your attorney.

My response: 
To effectively prepare for the case, The complaints must be throughly read through. The complaint is the document that the judge will have. It will influence the direction that the persecution will take. Understanding the items in the document will give an idea of what is being held against the organization and can be essential in forming the basis of my defense. Getting the background information may be vital in determining whether the case can be solved by negotiation. Negotiation can either be done between the parties or through some intermediaries such as advocates. Solving issues by negotiation can allow the parties to save time and money and come to a solution that favors all the parties. 
Getting the background information will also inform us about the evidence we have and how it can be used to support our claim. The information will allow us to understand our witnesses and the number of documents we may need to win the case. It will also allow us to prepare psychologically and fetch all associated records. Understanding the organization’s relationship with the plaintiff can enable us to understand where the issue arose from and what can be done to prevent similar issues from happening in the future.

Respond to 3 classmates. Do not sound repetitive. 100 words
Thanks  for sharing! I agree with you. The complaints are a very important part of the case since this is the first action taken. As you mentioned, reading through this will make the situation more clear for the defendant to understand why a lawsuit has been filed. I love that you talked about solving things by negotiation. That is definitely a much better route if it can be solved this way. What other things do you think are important before contacting an attroney? I think that jurisdiction is something that should be thought about since negotiation cannot always solve problems. It is always best to know all of your options, especially in a situation like this where the organization doesn’t have much extra money for an attroney and lawsuit. Like you stated, finding the relationship between the plaintiff and defendant is also necessary to understand how the lawsuit begin and how to prevent it from occurring again. 
I agree with all of your points of reasoning. Getting a thorough understanding of the plaintiff and their complaint is a great way to start understanding what the next steps will be and what to anticipate. I also like your ideas around negotiating with the other party. Do you think it is a good idea to attempt communication directly with the plaintiff without or before your attorney is involved? I have seen some arguments online (see first source) with very different opinions on if this is wise or not, and I would like to know your thoughts. I have also found good reasoning to try and reach some kind of settlement outside of court (see second source), I agree that is court can be avoided then it probably should. 
           All in all, I like how focused you are in being prepared for what might come next. I know with computers everywhere many people are less inclined to make and keep paper trails on many happenings relating to their personal lives and even their businesses. Do you think with all the digital copies of data on the internet it is still wise to keep paper trails?
Absolutely…  determining the legitimacy of the claim and if discovered the organization was at fault or liable implementing processes to prevent future occurrences would be the right approach. This organization overall is financial strapped and cannot afford another lawsuit.   In my response I also weighed the importance of knowing the allotted time to respond.   Would this also be key to identify and explain your reasoning behind the most important things you would want to know?   In the textbook it indicates pleadings can often lack details, if the claim did not provide details, what legal action would you take to acquire additional details from the plaintiff (s).