solved THE HUMAN RESOURCES FRAME Assignment Overview In the Module 2

Assignment Overview
In the Module 2 Case, you will write Chapter 2 of your thesis-style paper – relating to the Human Resources Frame. Using specific examples of “human resources” or “human relations” as they are defined by Bolman and Deal, you will use the Human Resources Frame as a lens through which you will analyze the effectiveness of the Walt Disney Company.
Begin the Module 2 Case by visiting the Walt Disney Company website:
The Walt Disney Company. (2014). Retrieved on May 8, 2014 from 
Then, read the following: 
So just how does Mickey make magic? The following article discusses how Disney’s excellent employee performance is recognized. Note the section entitled “Disney Recognition 101”: 
Ligos, M. (2009). How Mickey makes magic. Successful Promotions, 42(5), 44-47. Retrieved from EBSCO – Business Source Complete.
Case Assignment
After you have reviewed the contents of the Walt Disney Company website, completed the readings provided at the Background page of Module 1, and performed additional research from the library and on the internet, write a 6- to 7-page paper in which you do the following:
Using the following assumptions of the Human Resources Frame, complete an in-depth assessment of the Walt Disney Company:

Organizations exist to serve human needs rather than the reverse.
People and organizations need each other. Organizations need ideas, energy, and talent; people need careers, salaries, and opportunities.
When the fit between individual and system is poor, one or both suffer. Individuals are exploited or exploit the organization—or both become victims.
A good fit benefits both. Individuals find meaningful and satisfying work, and organizations get the talent and energy they need to succeed.

Keys to the Assignment
The key aspects of this assignment that are to be covered in your 6- to 7-page paper include the following:

Describe Walt Disney’s approach to human resources. Is Disney’s overall approach to human resources more or less effective relative to its ability to help the organization accomplish its stated purpose (vision, mission)? Explain.
Using Bolman and Deal’s Human Resources Frame, analyze two or three human resources/ human relations characteristics of the Walt Disney Company. Because you cannot cover all characteristics that are related to human resources/ relations in a short paper, you will need to be selective; therefore, choose two or three characteristics that are of particular interest to you. These might include, for example the Walt Disney Company’s benefits design, its employee orientation/training programs, or its employee evaluation systems.
For each of the human resources characteristics that you have included in your Case, discuss the extent to which that characteristic has been effective or ineffective relative to helping Disney to attain its stated purpose. Defend your answer in the context of the four (4) assumptions given above (how well do the  two or three human resources/ relations characteristics you’ve identified ascribe to these assumptions – if at all)?
Having had applied the Human Resources Frame to the Walt Disney Company, is there anything that you would you do differently? Conclude Chapter 3 of your paper by giving recommendations as to what you believe Disney should do, and explain why.

solved Read the assigned chapters AND review the information in the

Read the assigned chapters AND review the information in the Modules area for the chapters (may include additional articles / videos) Download the attached Reading Exercise Worksheet – Reading Exercise Worksheet Ch 7-8.docx Download Reading Exercise Worksheet Ch 7-8.docx Rename the worksheet following this naming convention: LastNameFirstInitial_chapter#RE.docx (example: WarnerB_1-2RE.docx would be the name for my chapter 1 & 2’s reading exercise submission)Complete the attached Reading Exercise WorksheetSubmit to this assignment (.doc or .docx files only). Once submitted, check your upload. Download your submission file to a different folder and open it to be sure you submitted the correct document, etc. **Note – this is submitted via TurnItIn, so be sure you have used all of your own words – no quotes from articles, no copying / pasting. If a Reading Exercise has a poor TurnItIn score, all other submitted work will be reviewed as well. RubricReading Exercise Rubric – Ch 7 & 8Reading Exercise Rubric – Ch 7 & 8CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSubmitted on-time and matches assignment instructions & TurnItIn score ok. Late assignments, -5% / day, up to 1 week. Overall grades may be adjusted based on TurnItIn scores. See the instructions for more on this.0 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFIRST CHAPTER: Ch 7 Collaboration Info Systems. 5 Take-away paragraphs: Each should be at least 75 words of your own content / thoughts. You can include how a specific take-away impacts your career / life, etc. Points deducted if short, missing elements, lack effort. Please, no quotes / cutting / pasting / repeating verbatim from the text / other sources.15 ptsFull Marks12 pts4 show good effort, at least 75 words, on topic9 pts3 show good effort, at least 75 words, on topic6 pts2 show good effort, at least 75 words, on topic3 pts1 shows good effort, at least 75 words, on topic0 ptsNo Marks15 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSECOND CHAPTER – Ch 8 Processes, Organizations and Info Systems. 5 Take-away paragraphs: Each should be at least 75 words of your own content / thoughts. You can include how a specific take-away impacts your career / life, etc. Points deducted if short, missing elements, lack effort. Please, no quotes / cutting / pasting / repeating verbatim from the text / other sources.15 ptsFull Marks12 pts4 show good effort, at least 75 words, on topic9 pts3 show good effort, at least 75 words, on topic6 pts2 show good effort, at least 75 words, on topic3 pts1 shows good effort, at least 75 words, on topic0 ptsNo Marks15 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticle URL1 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks1 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeARTICLE RELEVANCY- How does this article relate to the readings? Please, no quotes / cutting / pasting / repeating verbatim, at least 75 words.2 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks2 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeARTICLE SUMMARY: in your own words, no quotes / cutting / pasting / repeating verbatim, at least 200 words5 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeARTICLE APPLICATION: How could this apply to your life / work life / career goals, Please, no quotes / cutting / pasting / repeating verbatim, at least 75 words2 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks2 ptsTotal Points: 40

solved Reply: Staci Saunders FACEBOOK ACCESS BY EMPLOYERS MondayNov 1 at


Staci Saunders


MondayNov 1 at 8:23pm

Manage Discussion Entry

Should employers be asking job applicants for Facebook passwords? Why or why not?
– I do not believe employers should be asking job applicants for their social media passwords. For myself, I keep any and all social media and my personal life private from my co-workers. I don’t mix those two sides of me at work for the sake of my privacy. Monitoring someone’s personal messages and social media accounts in my opinion is an invasion of privacy. I would consider this an intrusion of seclusion. One who intentionally intrudes physically or otherwise upon ones private affairs or concerns is subject to be considered an invasion of privacy. (Abuin, powerpoint slide 29) People use social media for all kinds of things such as private, personal messages, having fun, or sharing memories. It is not in the best light for an employer to snoop through private moments. If employers wanted to know the character of the person they are looking to hire, talk to them. Get to know them more than just basic interview questions that do not shed light on the real you. Honestly, if a job required me to give my social media passwords, I would decline immediately. I need a job that respects my life outside of work just as much as how I am in work.

second one here.

Marcia Hill
ThursdayNov 4 at 12:07am

Manage Discussion Entry
Why do you think employers wish to monitor an employee’s social media accounts and postings? Are employers responsible for the actions of their employees while they are working?
Professor and Classmates:
I think that employees are responsible for the action of their employees while they are working because their actions implicate their employers. Some of us have studied the legal doctrine of “respondeat superior”, that is an employer is legally responsible for the actions of its employees. But if the employee acted independently, out of the scope of his or her work, or purely out of personal motives, the employer might not be liable.
On the other hand, employers can get into legal trouble for their workers’ actions. For example, it can be embarrassing and cause a company to lose an important client or customer if an employee posts offensive content or does something illegal via social media. Also, employers want to protect their companies’ reputations and confidential information. These are important to employers in terms of knowing the caliber of employees in the company.
While I volunteered on Saturdays at a nursing home, there was an employee who had posted pictures of a nursing home resident on her FB page. She and the resident had befriended each other and the resident’s relatives liked her as well. The nurse-aid was reprimanded and they demanded that she remove the pictures from her FB page. After that, the nursing home issued a policy about protecting the privacy of their residents.
But I do not think that monitoring of employees’ social media is a good “quality control” measure for employers, and perhaps it can do more harm than good. Some clients like dealing with a particular staff member, and when an employee has had enough of this surveillance, they can resign from the job with all their acquired knowledge, experience, and institutional knowledge, and this can affect the client base. I see this happening very often.

solved you will review infection rate data related to central line-associated

you will review infection rate data related to central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs), catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs), and surgical site infections (SSIs) after colon surgery. Using the information provided in the Raw Data Example document, prepare a PowerPoint presentation to discuss with the organization’s operational excellence committee. Think about how the data throughout your readings and course activities to date could have been assembled. Be prepared to cover the following: ï‚· How was data was collected, and who collected it? ï‚· What fields in the EHR were used to gather the information? ï‚· What is the impact of meaningful use on data collection, EHR design, and quality outcomes? ï‚· What are the implications of not collecting the data? ï‚· What does the data tell you about the quality of patient care from 2015 to 2016? Is the overall infection rate higher or lower in 2016 when compared with 2015? ï‚· What is leadership’s role in disseminating the information and identifying ways to sustain or reduce the infection rates?review the Meaningful Use Definition and Objectives webpage and the Raw Data Example document. For assistance with creating PowerPoint presentations, log in to Atomic Learning, select the search tab, type in “PowerPoint,” and click the search button. View the specific video that addresses your needs.Collecting, analyzing, and reporting data about quality indicators such as infection rates are ways that organizations can both monitor the achievement of quality outcomes and also identify opportunities for improvement.Your presentation should be submitted as a 12- to 17-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with sources cited in 7th APA format,Requirements: .doc fileHello, Kindly address these. ThanksHow was data was collected, and who collected it? This refers to data collected at the local level in the facility that you are developing your QIP for, rather than a national source like CDC. Remember, it isn’t only clinical staff who collect and use infection data.Where in the EHR do we find this type of information? – This is asking you to identify the specific areas in the EHR where infection data is recorded. Again, it isn’t only clinical staff who utilize infection data.Your submission must address all six questions in the rubric. Think about standing in front of a group of senior staff. You won’t keep their attention by droning on and on or reading information from a slide they could read themselves. Use your slides to highlight your data and position yourself as the expert who explains it – that’s where the speaker’s notes come in. Use a simple comparison graph to demonstrate the infection rates (Insert – Chart – Clustered Column in PPT is a good one for this assignment – make sure the chart is labeled correctly).Finally, think about why the leadership team needs to know about the infection rates and their trending. What is their role in getting this information out to the people who need to know it? (Hint: It’s not just clinical staff who need this type of information. How do other areas reduce infection rates, e.g., environmental services, dietary, and so forth)?Remember this is a presentation to a senior leadership group, not your bid for an Oscar in the animation category. Be mindful of the graphics you choose, remembering the purpose of the meeting.

solved Note: In this unit, there are five potential discussion themes

Note: In this unit, there are five potential discussion themes available for your consideration. You should select three different discussion themes and submit one initial post that begins a discussion thread and two responses to your group members’ posts in the appropriate discussions area. If you are the first person to submit a post, do not forget to indicate the title of the theme (e.g. Children’s Participation in Sport Discussion). Moreover, do not worry to be the initiator of a discussion; other students who are interested in the theme(s) will join you soon to keep the discussions running.

Children’s Participation in Sport Discussion: What are the major motives for children to enter and to continue their participation in sport versus participation in other activities not related to sport? Can you relate any personal stories of why children take part in sport?
Overzealous Parents Discussion: Why do we have overzealous parents in the sport community? Have you or your friends ever had this kind of pressure?
Youth Sport Trajectories Discussion: The Developmental Model of Sport Participation proposes three possible trajectories for sport participation and performance during childhood and adolescence. Do you agree with the activities and contexts recommended in each trajectory and does this model reflect the practices that actually occur within youth sport programs?
Self-worth/Competence Discussion: Evaluate the concepts of global self-worth and perceived competence in youth sport.
Best Practice in Youth Sport Discussion: What best practices in youth sport programs are most worthwhile. Are any of these practices in your opinion ‘controversial’?
Across the course units (01-05 and 07-10), there are discussion activities that require your active, weekly participation in group discussions. Students will be placed in small groups to promote collaborative learning. Select Groups from the Tools dropdown menu to view your group.The purpose of the discussion is to build on the knowledge gained from the required reading and CourseLink unit modules to critically reflect on themes related to each unit in the course.With the exception of Unit 06, each unit includes five potential discussion themes for consideration. Students are required to select three different discussion themes (out of the five potential choices) and post one 150-250 word paragraph for each unit theme selected. A total of three posts should be submitted for each unit and must be related to different unit themes. To encourage idea sharing and interaction, students are expected to submit one initial post that begins a discussion thread by Wednesday and also complete two responses to group members’ posts by end of the week (Sunday).Only one initial post and two responses (each related to a different unit theme) will be graded.The due dates for unit discussion posts are listed in the Schedule (see above). All three posts for the unit must be submitted to the group discussion by the due date. Late discussion posts will not be graded.Important Note: Review the Late Policy under Course Specific Standard Statements in this Outline.Discussion posts will be evaluated throughout the term. Unit posts will be graded on the basis of knowledge/critical thinking, clarity of communication, quality/conciseness of writing, accuracy/relevance of academic content, and timeliness/frequency of posts

solved A film discussion of the movie “Double Indemnity .” i

A film discussion of the movie “Double Indemnity .” i need assistance to correctly state the discussion post to insure correctly formality within the statement. down below is all of the needed essentials. Thank you ~ :)200-250 words. USE 3-4 TIME STAMPS.‘I killed a man for money and for a woman. I didn’t get the money and I didn’t get the woman.’ Double Indemnity (1944, about 1 year before the end of WWII) is a beautifully made film noir that is the text book standard of a great noir of Hollywood’s classical age. As you watch the film, you’ll see how it checks all the boxes about the style and content of a noir film. Choose 1 prompt below: 1. The Hays Code (see book p. 130-131), the film industry’s self-imposed standards about decency in the movies, includes these general principles and then more specific standards:No picture shall be produced that will lower the moral standards of those who see it. Hence the sympathy of the audience should never be thrown to the side of crime, wrongdoing, evil or sin.Correct standards of life shall be presented.Law, natural or human, shall not be ridiculed, nor shall sympathy be created for those who violate it. .Under those three general principles were included the following specific standards (paraphrased): a) Don’t show the method of murder or other crimes in a way that might inspire imitation.b) Don’t show adultery as something fun and attractivec) Don’t portray sexual passion in a way that might “stimulate the lower and baser element” (i.e. borderline creeps, people who are crude or tend to be sexually aggressive)d) Don’t show explicit sexual seduction- it should be indirect. e) A later addition to the Code, added by Joseph Breen, was that sin could be showed, but it had to be punished somehow. The “sinners” couldn’t end up happily ever after. Based on your viewing of the film and how the story was told, in what ways did Billy Wilder, the director, get around the controls of Hays Code in his film? In other words, what story or filming strategies did he use to make a sexy, adulterous, murder film, and yet stay within the PCA and Hays Code regulations? (So, think about what was seen and unseen, what was said and unsaid, etc.) 2. Most films of the World War II era that showed life in America depicted nuclear families strong and unified, just as America itself was supposed to be strong and unified in its fight against the enemy. The home and family were “sacred” institutions, and to keep morale high during the difficult war years, the home and family could not be seen as anything else. (Imagine soldiers away from home, wondering if their wives were being faithful to them! Or worrying if some con man is seducing their daughter. Bad for morale.) However, some noir films, especially those at the end of the war and in the immediate years after, depicted a different perspective of the home and family and in subtle ways attacked the myth of the “perfect marriage, perfect family.” Think about the representation of home, family, marriage, and male leadership in this film- both in the story and in the film’s form (the way the film looks). Aside from the obvious part that the wife wants to kill her husband, what are the signs of social dis-unity and discontent in this film? How does the story subvert (turn upside down) the traditional pre-war roles of men, women, and maybe even teens, in society?

solved Think of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment in a

Think of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment in a similar fashion. Undoubtedly both of these also challenged the power of church and state, but like the Renaissance and the Reformation, they did much more. We can look at both the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment as two parts of the same piece. The Enlightenment, which explicitly rejected the medieval past, grew out of the Scientific Revolution, which brought about an entirely new and secular, scientific way of thinking. The hierarchy of the medieval universe was, like feudalism itself, a world of divisions. God stood on top of this hierarchy ruling the heavens, with the man underneath as the caretaker of the planet Earth, and with hell lying below the surface of the planet. Earth was planted smack dab in the center of the universe with all other planets, including the sun, revolving around it. The elements of the Earth were separated from the elements of the heavens. Emerging out of the Renaissance, Modern science entirely changed this way of thinking for the growing number of adherents to scientific thought. With science, Earth was one of many planets revolving around the sun; nature was not a hierarchical order but a homogeneous system, and the universe was not a mystery that only God could unlock, but it was fully explicable through scientific means. As Perry states, “The Scientific Revolution ultimately transformed our understanding of the individual, society, and the purpose of life.” (239) The universe was no longer a finite body controlled by God, it was infinite. Could it be created solely for human beings? That thought was thrown into doubt. It was not reasonable. It no longer made sense, and “reason” became the guiding principle of the Enlightenment. With the whole medieval idea of purpose in disarray, it was up to man to create a more rational and humane society. Universal laws that were applicable to the cosmos could be applied to politics, society, and religion. Humans were now autonomous, self-governing individuals and the implications for traditional authorities like church and state were enormous. They were no longer fixed but could be changed, rearranged, and reshaped. This change in the human mindset was both revolutionary and traumatic. If man was no longer grounded in the center of the universe, what were the implications? This is what I would like you to think about this week.Explain this statement: The Enlightenment was a social response to the Scientific Revolution. In what ways was Enlightenment thinking related to the so-called advances in scientific thinking? And how were these changes in scientific thought applied to society? What tenets of medieval thinking did the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment reject? Must be 250 words or more. Do some research on Galileo Galilei and begin your post with some biographical information. In 1633, Galileo was brought before the Inquisition (court) of the Catholic Church. What crimes was Galileo charged with in 1633 by the Inquisition of the Catholic Church? Why were these crimes thought to be dangerous by the Church? How did Galileo’s writings challenge the Church? And finally, why did Galileo renounce his writings? What does this say about the power of the Catholic Church in 1633? Must be 250 words or more. Reference: Western Civilization A Brief History, vol. II Since 1600. Eleventh Edition

solved choose only ONE question per topic, and write a coherent,

choose only ONE question per topic, and write a coherent, well-organized essay, using concepts from the text of no less that 350-400 words (Three full Paragraphs) that responds to the question in its entirety. Following direction from section 5 (grading system) of syllabus–write clearly, include what you have learned in this unit without copying, cite your source, and apply the concept learned to the topic chosen. Read directions carefully and cover all aspects in a logical, well-organized essay. For full credit, remember to use a quote and list the textbook as reference at the end. See my introduction example under the first module for ideas (but use our current textbook).
Respond to two other student”s AP’s.
You will need to post your AP first before you will see other students work.
Here are this week’s choices

In the original movie Total Recall, Arnold Schwarzenegger goes on a “virtual vacation.” If computers and virtual games advance to the point where you could get convincing sensory feedback by being hooked up to a real-as-life computer simulation, would you be interested in such a “game machine?” If you owned one, on what basis would you decide how often and how long to use it? In what way would using such a machine be similar to or different from taking a drug? Support your ideas using concepts from the textbook AND video by Leonard Mlodinow to show you have read the material and can apply them to this question.


What is the difference between altering your consciousness through drugs versus using breathing, hypnosis, meditation, visualization, yoga, or fasting? How do biorhythms affect these different types of altered consciousness? Support your ideas using concepts from the textbook, lecture, AND video by Martha Merrow to show you have read the material and can apply them to this question

Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, is an important figure because of his strong interest in the unconscious. Freud’s “theory of personality” consisted of a trifold structure: id, ego, and superego. In describing this structure, the model of an iceberg is often used. To see a diagram of this and to understand the concepts of id, ego, and superego more fully, jump ahead in our textbook to chapter 11, section 2 (Personality). Take special note of what Freud includes in each category: consciousness, and unconscious. You will see that Freud thought that consciousness was a very small part of our minds. Mental events of which we are unconscious (especially painful memories of sexual and aggressive impulses) are repressed. Look back on the first chapter (section: history of psychology) to refresh your mind on this highly significant classic theory as it is the cornerstone of all theory and practice related to states of consciousness.
For the modern focus on states of consciousness watch the following 2 TEDxTalks videos. Martha Merrow discusses biorhythms and the importance of understanding each person’s individual chronotype. Leonard Mlodinow introduces “social neuroscience” field of study, explaining newer concepts of scientific unconsciousness related to mental processes outside of ones awareness that is controlled by the brain, therefore, controlling or effecting ones behavior.
Why circadian clocks? Martha Merrow at TEDxVienna – YouTube
How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behaviour: Leonard Mlodinow at TEDxReset 2013 – YouTube

solved To contribute to the Health Minister’s thinking on change and

To contribute to the Health Minister’s thinking on change and leadership, she has reconvened the strategic group of which you are a part, and she shares her thinking with you all.‘Colleagues, as you know I am committed to making sure that the Hygieia Health System is as prepared as it can be to meet the challenges facing virtually all health systems across the world. The government has encouraged me to advise on the way forward for Hygieia. I cannot claim to have a single simple solution. That would be unrealistic given the complex nature of something like a health system. However, what I have learned so far is that whatever we do will involve change, and it will entail leadership. What is more, I am not just talking about leadership being the sole preserve of administrators or bureaucrats. If we are to move closer to the vision I have suggested, then leadership is required in all parts of the system. From managers, clinicians and communities. And change may well be required at all levels within the system. It will likely be required at the organisational level and at the inter-organisational level.I have invited you here to share your ideas with me, and to advise me. Many of you have a public health background. This is an area of expertise that the system needs to harness if we are going achieve our ambition of an integrated system which reflects the values of prevention as well as care.I will need your expertise increasingly in the future. Epidemiology, health protection and health improvement are vital, and alongside clinical expertise, provide the knowledge and technical skills required for a modern health system.However, despite that, my reflections and discussions with you over the last few weeks have strengthened my view that whilst the traditional skills of clinical expertise and epidemiology are certainly necessary, they are not sufficient for the challenges of developing a health system that can respond creatively to the factors that we know are going to have a strong influence on what we need to do to prepare our system for the future.So, I am going to recommend to my colleagues in the Ministry of Health that we make the development of management and leadership expertise a key strategic priority.I realise that there is still much work to do. The discussions we have had have been key to shaping my thinking, and there is one last thing to ask of you. I would like your critical advice on management and leadership.Whilst some of you may have held or currently hold formal managerial positions, some of you will not. The same with leadership. Some of you will consider yourself to be leaders (team leaders etc.). Others will not. That does not matter. What is important is to hear your reflections and considered views on what you see as the nature of the relationship—in theory and in practice—between what you see as effective leadership and the achievement of public health objectives.Task: I would like, therefore, to make a final request. I want to hear about your own insights and knowledge from your experiences in organisations and contexts you have encountered to date . 1. What were the memorable positive moments and why?2. What were the less positive moments and why?INFORMATION MIGHT BE USEFUL ABOUT ME : – I worked as the Head nurse of the Intensive Care Unit. I was the leader of this unit and responsible for 22 RN.1 Page

solved Annotated BibliographyYou will have a week and a half to

Annotated BibliographyYou will have a week and a half to complete this part of the research paper. DO NOT SAVE ALL OF THE WORK FOR THE LAST FEW DAYS. Break it up over the entire time so it is not overwhelming. We will be meeting in class 2 times before it is due and I will meet with each student individually to check on progress.READ PAGES 307-308 IN YOUR APA MANUAL BEFORE YOU BEGIN! (Section 9.51 and Figure 9.3) Your final product should look like the sample on page 308.You may submit a draft of this paper one times before the due date. Your final grade will be the average of your 2 attempts (first draft and final draft), so it’s in your best interest to do well the first time. If you want me to grade your first attempt so you can submit a 2nd attempt, all first attempts must be submitted by Saturday, April 17, 5pm. I will grade them as quickly as I can.ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS: The first step in any research project is a thorough literature review. Once you have gotten my approval for the topic of your research paper, you will need to find relevant, primary level articles on your topic. You will do this using the library databases AND Google Scholar. (You’ll want to use Google Scholar to do descendency searches. Ask me about these if you missed us going over it in class.)Your first steps for your paper are to 1. find at least 15 primary level articles that are related to your topic and 2. create an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a reference list, but with annotations about each article you are considering including in your paper. For your annotated bibliography, use standard APA format for the references, and then add a brief summary for each article that includes 2 paragraphs with:1. What was the main reason the researchers did this research? (No less than 3 sentences.) – What were the main finding(s) of the research? (No less than 3 sentences.) Don’t include statistics. Be sure to include citations where appropriate. Each annotation for each article must include at least 1 narrative citation and 1 parenthetical citation. This is your chance to practice writing these! Be sure you are not plagiarizing anything. This is your first chance to work on paraphrasing what the authors wrote to build your own understanding of the research you are reading and writing about.2. How would this research fit into your paper? That is, you need to start thinking about “sections” for your paper. How are you going to organize the research into sections that explore various aspects of this research. For example, if your paper is about drug abuse in college students, you may have a section on how it starts, a section of commonly abused drugs, and a section on gender differences in drug abuse for college students. How you organize your paper is up to you, but you want to start looking for logical ways to organize your research as you are reading your primary level articles for the first time – not when you sit down to write the actual paper. (Write at least 2-4 sentences for this part to show me you have really given it some thought.)Use one-inch margins on all sides; Use Times New Roman font and 12pt. font sizeDouble space your entire document consistently (“space before” and “space after” should be set to zero);Alphabetize the entries by first author’s last name;Hanging indents (a.k.a. reverse indents) are required for citations;