solved Week 2: Database SearchChoose a topic related to health that

Week 2: Database SearchChoose a topic related to health that has meaning to your personal health, interests, and well-being. This may be a disease, such as diabetes, or a healthy fitness activity.Conduct a database search comparing one of the following database directories with Google Scholar.CINAHL and Google ScholarPubMed and Google ScholarExplain how you were able to narrow down the number of article hits you had initially, and present within your post a summary of the credible article you chose as your resource. How do you know your article choice is credible? Which database do you prefer and why?How will using a database search facilitate your:scholarly work;nursing work (evidence-based practice); andpersonal self-development?Student Sample:Hello professor and classmates,The topic that I chose for this week to conduct my database search was Common Running Injuries. As stated in the article “Running is a common form of exercise but predisposes athletes to several running-related injuries. Most running injuries are due to overuse and respond to conservative treatment.”(Fields, 2021)My initial topic was benefits of exercise. But the topics that came up for my database search between PubMed and Google Scholar were too vague which led me to changing my question. The articles differ on common running injuries because The PubMed article I investigated is an article that gave me management and evaluation on common running injuries. Google Scholar showed trends and demographic and evaluations that were studied in common running injuries. Moreover, for my topic common running injuries I found less results from PubMed which gave me 920 results and over 100,00 results on Google Scholar. I narrowed down my search by looking into which articles gave me more analysis and depth into injuries on certain bones, in regards to what I have experienced myself since I run daily. It was easier to navigate on PubMed, I like this database more because the information presented in the article had table and charts with percentages to see the comparison regarding common running Injuries on certain bones that are affected. PubMed’s database information was also very concise and it gave detailed recommendation on running and bones affected. In contrast to the Google Scholar database search the information has less charts and table but analysis and epidemiologic studies mentioned in the articles. On the other hand ,Both PubMed and Google Scholar have the references sited on the article.Furthermore, I knew my database search on PubMed was credible because the website ends in (.org) it has the authors credentials, evidence and the information is recently current. Resources: Fields, K. B. (2021). Running injuries – changing trends and demographics : Current sports medicine reports. Retrieved May 09, 2021, from (Links to an external site.)Michael, A. J., & Aaron, M. L. (n.d.). Common Running Injuries: Evaluation and Management. Retrieved from

solved I’m working on a social science writing question and need

I’m working on a social science writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

Share reflections, thoughts, or comments on E-lecture “Secularization” . Should be 350  words 
E-Lecture: Secularization – New Religious Revitalization Movements – Contemporary Religious Fundamentalism
E-Lecture: Secularization – New Religious Revitalization Movements – Contemporary Religious Fundamentalism
The Sacred and the secular in Modernity
The challenges of religion as they move through time to remain intact according to ancient traditions and beliefs as posed to them by modernization from mostly western influence. 
Secularization and Pluralism
The two features of the contemporary world that alter the religion would be secularization and pluralism.  Secularization is the influence over the social institutions and patterns of behavior of religion and pluralism is the growth of religious culture and diversity.  Secularizations has evolved religion to its own recognized category in society.  Pluralism is the problems associated with the multiple, diverse and competing belief systems and values of religion as they have evolved to be today.
The Reactions of Religious Fundamentalisms Today
Considered to be a worldwide phenomenon.  While most religions who are branded with the term “fundamentalist” they have rejected being labeled as such.  These groups are opposed to any modernization that poses a threat to their very traditional structure and beliefs.
The Characteristics of Contemporary Religious Fundamentalism
Fundamentalism has some common features no matter where in the world it’s practiced, for example, their response to the threat that modernization posses to their traditional beliefs.  All agree that their traditions should be defended and be able to remain intact although some may resort to violence some choose to do this without the use of violence.
American Protestant Fundamentalism
American Fundamentalism has its roots in protestant orthodox and American Puritanism of the 17th and 18th century but reached its plateau in the 1920s then saw a decline.  Now its more often found within the Southern Baptist Convention.
Contemporary Islamic Fundamentalism
Modernization of Islamic Revitalization Modernization is due to Westernization, from the 12th century Islamic traditions have been reshaped by the influence of western religious and political forces.  The one thing that has remained in tact over the centuries is the traditional Islamic worldview.  These world views include scientific and historical matters as well as ancient rules and laws concerning human life and social conduct.  The  primary threat to radical Islamic ideals are those form within who have “poisoned”  Muslim society. Some of the recent hostility is directed toward the west who are considered the “enemies of God” who have intervened in and failed to recognize the authority of Islamic law.
Contemporary Islamic Fundamentalists Leaders and movements Islam appoints a jujaddid or “soldier of God” who is not bound by the interpretation of legal experts of the schools or interpretation to carry out a renewal of Islamic movements that glorify the struggles, sacrifices and victories of the great successors.

solved Respond to 2 peers using your own resources 1. Supplemental

Respond to 2 peers using your own resources

1. Supplemental and floating staff is when a staff member goes to another department to assist with the staffing issue. Proper nurse staffing is important because it ensures “good patient outcomes, safety, and satisfaction” (Bitanga, 2021). Being short staffed in a crucial department such as ER or ICU, can highly affect the recovery process for the patient. As a nurse works in a variety of departments, it gives them “the experience of working with diverse patient population and other specialties, see how other units function and chance to meet and work with other nurses while building knowledge and skills” (Bitanga, 2021). It may be stressful on a nurse to work in a department other than their own, but it gives them the opportunity to become well-rounded in their patient experience and skills.
           Although floating staff can have its advantages, there are many disadvantages as well. Working in a department that is unfamiliar with the nurse can leave them feeling “anxiety, stress, overwhelming, scary, draining, dissatisfaction, disruptive, and feeling of frustration” (Bitanga, 2021) What causes a nurse to have this abundance of feelings is that they do not know what to expect. Nurses do not know everything, so when working outside their specialty, they do not know what to expect.
           I believe the advantages and disadvantages of floating staff would vary depending on specific units. For example, an ICU nurse will be very uncomfortable with a labor and delivery unit but might be comfortable on a medsurg floor. Some departments can intertwine with one another, but others have a different set of rules and priorities. I believe it is up to the leadership of the unit to find floating staff that would not be highly out of their comfort zone. In the end, floating staff will affect a patient’s recovery process, and it is essential that the nurse is fit for the job.
2. Supplemental nurses are temporary staff hired from outside agencies by hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Floating nurses are staff who are assigned different units within the facility that they work for and “float” between units. The main advantage of these types of nurses is that they are a cost-effective means of preventing staff shortages within units (O?Connor & Dugan, 2017). Disadvantages include lacking unit-specific skill competency, anxiety related to working outside of their regular environment, and an unfamiliarity with the unit’s dynamics and protocols, which could all culminate to compromised patient safety (O?Connor & Dugan, 2017).
The aforementioned disadvantages may be especially noticeable in specific units, such as intensive care units. ICUs are characterized by enhanced monitoring, advanced life support, and care for the critically ill or injured (Marshall et al., 2017). If the floating/supplemental nurse is more accustomed to non-intensive care units, they may find that if they were to be assigned to an ICU, the specialized care for the high-acuity patients may be too challenging for them to provide, thus compromising patient safety. This is why ICUs may be particularly challenging for supplemental and floating staff.

solved An annotated bibliography is a list of sources with notes

An annotated bibliography is a list of sources with notes about each source. Constructing an annotated bibliography helps you summarize each source to understand its main ideasevaluate each source for accuracy, quality, and relevancereflect on how and why your most promising sources will help you answer your research question. record publication information for your sources before drafting your research paperremember which sources you’ve consultedRequired elements1. Prewriting: Explore your sources.For each source, note your responses to the following questions:What is the purpose of the source? Who is the author’s intended audience?What is the author’s thesis? What evidence supports the thesis?What qualifications and expertise does the author bring? Does the author have any biases or make any questionable assumptions?Why do you think this source is useful for your project?How does this source relate to the other sources in your bibliography?2. Annotated Bibliography: Write an annotated bibliography with 6-10 entries.List each source alphabetically as you would on a Works Cited page. Include all necessary bibliographical information. For the exact bibliographic format, see 50b (Links to an external site.) (MLA)Under the bibliographical information for each source, write a short (100-150 word) entry that summarizes and evaluates the source. The summary of each source should state the work’s main ideas and key points briefly and accurately. The summary is written in the present tense, third person, directly and concisely. Start your summary by identifying the thesis and purpose of the source as well as the credentials of the source’s author. Summarizing helps you test your understanding of a source and restate its meaning responsibly.The evaluation of the source’s role and usefulness in your project should include an assessment of the source’s strengths and limitations, the author’s qualifications and expertise, and the function of the source in your project. Evaluating a source helps you analyze how the source fits into your project and separate the source’s ideas from your own.Avoid using direct quotations. If you do borrow a word or two from the source, be sure to enclose it in quotation marks.Format your annotated bibliography properly (MLA). You can find an example annotated bib here: (Links to an external site.) Or here: (Links to an external site.) Use a hanging indent (each entry begins at the left margin; subsequent lines indent 1⁄2″)Each annotation begins on a new line and is indented 1⁄2″.Double-spacing is used throughout, with no extra space between entries and no extra space between entries and their annotations.Suggested element:Revise: Ask reviewers for specific feedback. Here are some questions to guide their comments.Is each source summarized clearly? Have you identified the author’s main idea?For each source, have you made a clear judgment about how and why the source is useful for your project?Have you used quotation marks around exact words from a source?

solved This section is extremely malleable in that groups can include

This section is extremely malleable in that groups can include as much, or as little detail as
needed to clarify what remains to the reader (e.g. stakeholder). However, this section needs to
elucidate your group’s policy recommendations for responding to the issue or phenomenon you
have researched, and specifically, how. This will be rooted in the data you analyze and present.
In order to complete this section, you will also need to present your results. This means,
analyzing your data according to your proposed Methodologies in Week 4. For many of you, this
is a simple quest (e.g. descriptive statistics, frequency distributions, etc.). Tables, graphs, charts,
etc. will all be presented in this section alongside what has been done to address these
groups/movements and what should be done.
If you need more help in contextualizing all of this jargon, please watch the “Data and Analysis”
mini-lecture in the “Group Project” folder.
Basically, this is a data-driven analysis. Some of you will dedicate your analysis the group or
movement (e.g. growth/decline/etc.) and others will focus on the impact of prior policy decisions
and whether those policies were effective at curbing the terrorism you are examining (and why or
why not). Regardless, you must propose solutions to the group, phenomenon, or issue you
examined. These solutions must be clear, specific, and measurable. If the movement/group
examined is no longer prevalent (i.e. has fragmented, dissolved, etc.), what should have been
done to address this movement/group more effectively at the time?
The more creative and nuanced this section is, the easier it will be for groups to distinguish
themselves from others. To be successful here, however, will require groups to adequately
research what has been done before to address the phenomenon in question (see Literature
Review submission). If something has been tried and has been a failure, then do not recommend
it as a viable policy recommendation. If something has failed, but research has shown how this
failure can be ameliorated in future policy, then be specific in recommending what can be done
in similar veins. This also means that groups will need to rely on evidence-based practices in
crafting specific policy or program responses to the phenomenon. Hence why you need to rely on
your data to inform your decisions here.
Complex problems often require multidimensional solutions. Please think long and hard about
what you think would actually work and why in terms of addressing the movement, group, or
phenomenon you are studying. The submission in question, at a
minimum, will include the following information:
● What does your data show as to the nature of the problem(s)/group(s) examined? o Over time? o Now? o After certain policies were implemented?
● What needs to be done in terms of policy, program, or practice? o If the movement/group examined is no longer prevalent (i.e. has fragmented,
dissolved, etc.), what should have been done to address this movement/group
more effectively?
â–ª Be specific here. This submission will also include any and all graphs, charts, plots, tables, and figures you create.
It is expected that various forms of visuals be used to display your analyses.

solved Required ReadingsLongest, B. B., & Darr, K. J. (2014). Managing

Required ReadingsLongest, B. B., & Darr, K. J. (2014). Managing health services organizations and systems (6th ed.). Baltimore, MD: Health Professions Press.Chapter 11, “Controlling and Allocating Resources” (pp. 558–569)Schwalbe, K., & Furlong, D. (2017). Healthcare project management (2nd ed.). Schwalbe.Chapter 1, “An Introduction to Project, Program, and Portfolio Management in Healthcare” (pp. 1–39)Mir, F. A., & Pinnington, A. H. (2014). Exploring the value of project management: linking project management performance and project success. International Journal of Project Management, 32(2), 202-217. Spaulding, A., Gamm, L, Kim, J., & Menser, T. (2014). Multiproject interdependencies in health systems management: A longitudinal qualitative study. Health Care Management Review, 39(1), 31-40.Discussion: Project Management Approaches in Health Services OrganizationsConsider the following scenario:Ryan is a heath care administrator for a large network of hospitals. As its mission, the hospital network seeks to promote health access in underserved communities and to engage in innovative population health management projects to support evidence-based practice. While both tenets of the hospital network’s mission are vast, Ryan is responsible for ensuring that each individual hospital within the network is achieving measurable goals for ongoing performance. In evaluating each hospital individually, Ryan finds that the majority of the hospitals are performing at a superior level in increasing health access in underserved communities. However, Ryan also finds that the majority of the hospitals are not demonstrating superior performance with ongoing population health management. Ryan has organized a task force to better determine new strategies to balance the two in hopes of moving the hospital network forward in the marketplace.Health care administrators face many challenges when implementing strategies for and approaches to addressing multiple projects and the scope of health care delivery on a day-to-day basis. In upholding the mission of an HSO, health care administrators must also ensure that each project contributes to effectiveness without hindering or compromising performance. What approaches might health care administrators use to ensure that projects are appropriately managed? How might project management approaches differ among projects that aim to enhance performance for the HSO?For this Discussion, consider the different types of project management approaches introduced in the Learning Resources for this week. Then, reflect on how you might implement these project management approaches as a current or future health care administrator. Consider how different project management approaches are more appropriate for some projects versus others in contributing to the value of an HSO.By Day 3Post a description of which types of project management approaches are used by your HSO or an HSO with which you are familiar. Then, explain the strengths and weaknesses of using these types of project management approaches in contributing value to the organization. Be specific and provide examples.APA WRITING REQUIREMENTS- ANSWER MUST BE ORIGINAL. USE the sources provided in the instructions.

solved Reply to two classmates in at least 150 words with

Reply to two classmates in at least 150 words with one more additional quote from the text. Remember to include the full MLA 8 citation at the end of your replies. Aisha response: In Henry David Thoreau’s book, “Civil Disobedience”; Thoreau discusses unjust laws, he states “Unjust laws exist: shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend them, and obey them until we have succeeded, or shall we transgress them at once?” from this quotation, one could infer that Thoreau is offering arguments for civil disagreements, such as accepting to obey the laws, or endeavoring till we have succeeded in amending the law, not just amend them, or going against the law and becoming transgressors of unjust laws. Thoreau is asking, would you blindly follow the unjust law? Or would you follow the unjust laws until you could conform to them and better them? Or would you disobey the law until it is fixed and revised? Thoreau believed that if the government required you to obey unjust laws, then you should break the law even if it meant punishment and imprisonment. He encouraged people to use their morals and what they stood for and to go against such unjust laws. He believed no one should be forced “I was not born to be forced. I will breathe after my fashion. Let us see who is the strongest” (Thoreau). Thoreau believed strongly against people being blind followers of unjust laws or unjust government and respecting it “It is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right” (Thoreau). From all the statements Thoreau has made it is just to think, he firmly believed government only existed to please and conform to the people, and if it didn’t, it shouldn’t be obeyed “The government itself, which is only the mode which the people have chosen to execute their will, is equally liable to be abused and perverted before the people can act through it” (Thoreau). Jacobs response: Thoreau’s quote, “Unjust laws exist: shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend them, and obey them until we have succeeded, or shall we transgress them at once?”, displays his disliking towards the government compelling minorities to obey them. He argues that people should only follow a government that makes laws in an ethical and moral way. He claims that most governments are not practical; “Government is at best but an expedient; but most governments are usually, and all governments are sometimes, inexpedient” (Thoreau). He justifies civil disobedience in many ways, one of those moral principles being the need for individual conscience; “It is truly enough said that a corporation has no conscience; but a corporation of conscientious men is a corporation with a conscience” (Thoreau). Thoreau’s view on just and unjust laws is based on his argument that not all citizens’ values are represented in the nation’s laws. This leads to Thoreau’s view on democracy in America; “Is a democracy, such as we know it, the last improvement possible in government? Is it not possible to take a step further towards recognizing and organizing the rights of man?” (Thoreau). He believes that democracy has its benefits, however, the majority is not always correct.

solved There is more than one way to lead, and there

There is more than one way to lead, and there are multiple leadership styles (Byler, 2016). Leaders play a central part in directing organizations toward their goals (Robbins & Judge, 2018). For this Assignment, you will examine key characteristics of leaders and the relationship among personality, traits, power, politics, and leadership. You also will explore how leaders implement change.ReferencesByler, B. (2016, August 3) The 4 leadership styles, and how to identify yours. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from…Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2018). Essentials of organizational behavior (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.To prepare for this Assignment:Visit Personality Club (2019). Do you know your personality type?Choose two living individuals whom you admire for making change that positively impacts society, and consider how their personality type contributed to their fame and their characteristics, traits, or behaviors that you share with these leaders. Also, consider which characteristics might be dominant in effective leaders, how the personality types of these leaders factored into their success, and if their approaches to leadership were charismatic, authentic, or neither.To complete this Assignment:Write a 1- to 2-page paper that addresses the following:After conducting research on the Internet, choose two individuals and provide a brief explanation for your selection.What common characteristics do the individuals you selected share?Are the characteristics of these leaders based upon traits or behaviors? Explain.Which do you personally view as dominant in effective leadership, traits, or behaviors? Explain why.What change did the individuals you selected champion?How did they go about implementing the change?What was their approach to leadership: charismatic, authentic, or neither? Explain.Notes from my discussion post:Upon completion of the Myers-Briggs personality test, I learned I am an ESFP personality type. This personality type fits me to a tee. The personality traits of ESFP are extraverted, observant, feeling, prospecting and assertive. ESFP’s “appreciate having the right tools and are quite ingenious at finding ways to fix and repair things with dexterity. They love variety and are curious and adventurous, enjoying the unexpected.”(Personality Pathways Journal, 2021, para. 3).As a future healthcare leader, I feel my personality type shows the potential to be an excellent leader. “In examining personality traits, researchers have consistently found extraversion to be the most predictive trait of effective leadership.”(Robbins & Judge, 2018, p. 187). I consider myself someone who is comfortable speaking to and working with all types of individuals. I can adapt very well in different situations. I consider these traits to be very accommodating to healthcare leadership.ReferencesPersonality Pathways Journal. (2021).Understanding & using personality type. Personality Pathways. Retrieved August 4, 2021, from, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2018). Essentials of organizational behavior(14th ed.). Pearson Education.

solved I need an answer for the text posted below. the

I need an answer for the text posted below. the answer needs to be 150 words long and include at least 2 references. ThanksAs healthcare evolves the importance of nurses in the continuous improvement and enhancement of their duties and policy is imperative. Nurses are at the frontlines of their positions so they are aware of the issues or positive aspects of the current care that is being delivered. Due to this awareness the nurses can make an impact on change that can address the how, when, and why the certain healthcare services are rendered. To make a difference the RNs and APRNs should participate in the legislative branch and their decision making processes when healthcare is being discussed. When nurses influence the politics that improve the delivery of healthcare, they are ultimately advocating for their patients (My American Nurse, 2016). Nurses historically has little involvement in poly that affects healthcare change but to change this one of the top ways is to belong to a nursing association that is known for their healthcare advocacy such as the American Nurses Association. The American Nurses Association encourages nurses to advocate and help their communities while they receive report from the organization to advance the political agendas to reflect nursing goals (ANA, n.d). With any change there are challenges. Especially challenges with being heard and or taken serious. The nurse joining an organization such as the ANA will help the nurse bring better understanding to policymakers and give them the foundation for education to be presented. Another way for nurses to be seen as essential in policymaking is through street bureaucracy. Street-level bureaucrats are the frontline workers or policy implementers in government agencies that are characterized by regular and direct interaction with citizens, or the recipients of government services; and have the power to exercise a degree of discretion over the services, benefits and sanctions received by those recipients (Alliance, n.d). To advocate in this autonomous position the nurse has to understand laws to be able to implement new approaches to nursing. The challenge to these two approaches for policy making is the lack of knowledge of the many policies that affect healthcare. To combat these issues the nurse needs to find their focus on one specific area and gain the understanding of what can and should change and find a way to influence that change. The best way to gain participation is through advanced education. With education being an essential factor to policy making the more knowledge the nurse possesses the better. Nurses who feel more knowledgeable on certain subjects tend to be more comfortable with promoting and advocating for issues and policies. Legislators are also more readily open to a nurse who is an expertise at the proposed change.American Nurses Association. (n.d). Advocacy.…My American Nurse. (2016).The nursing profession’s potential impact on policy and politics.…Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research. (n.d). Street-level Bureaucracy.…

solved My Personal Lexicon (Question #1) Each journal entry will be

My Personal Lexicon (Question #1)
Each journal entry will be comprised of 1) the term/word/concept; and 2) a definition of each term/word/concept, based on Walter Elwell’s, Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, but articulated in your own words. You will define at least three terms/words/concepts each session.
This means that you will never quote Elwell, but you will synthesize his given definition into a seventy-five word, or so, long definition of your own making – again, your words, not Elwell’s. Given the journal nature of this assignment, you may feel free to add personal commentary along with your custom definition, but the definition itself should be about seventy-five words; commentary is over and above that word count.
My Personal McGrath (Question #2)
The McGrath reader has been assigned to you for the purpose of engaging you with historically important, primary source, theological texts and personalities. A quick look at the book’s Table of Contents reveals a chronological arrangement (early to contemporary) of important writings for each doctrine indicated.
Choose one of the McGrath selections you read, per the assignment, and one of the questions McGrath asks at the conclusion of the reading. Then, answer that question as a journal entry, not only answering the question but also reflecting on how that selection, question, and answer impact you personally. Make sure you employ Turabian style as you quote and cite McGrath’s actual question as well as appropriate portions of the reading. 
Discussion ” Arianism and Divine/Human Relationship in Jesus.” (Question #3)
Grudem doesn’t spend much time on Arianism, the first of the Christological councils. After reading his meager contribution to the topic along with the Elwell article, discuss 1) why Arianism is so appealing as a solution to the divine and human relationship issue (in Jesus) and 2) where Arianism shows up in contemporary religious expressions.
In your initial post you must include at least one quote each from Grudem, Elwell, and Scripture. Other sources are welcome but not required. 
My Personal Lexicon (Question #4)
Each journal entry will be comprised of 1) the term/word/concept; and 2) a definition of each term/word/concept, based on Walter Elwell’s, Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, but articulated in your own words. You will define at least three terms/words/concepts each session.
This means that you will never quote Elwell, but you will synthesize his given definition into a seventy-five word, or so, long definition of your own making – again, your words, not Elwell’s. Given the journal nature of this assignment, you may feel free to add personal commentary along with your custom definition, but the definition itself should be about seventy-five words; commentary is over and above that word count. 
My Personal McGrath (Question #5)
Choose one of the McGrath selections you read, per the assignment, and one of the questions McGrath asks at the conclusion of the reading. 
Reading:Grudem, Wayne. (1994). Systematic Theology.Chapter 26: The Person of Christ, 529-53.Chapter 29: The Offices of Christ, 624-33.McGrath, Alister. (2017). The Christian Theology Reader.4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.18, 4.27, 4.36Â