solved Discussion- Harlows Monkeys Watch the videos on Harlow’s studies of

Discussion- Harlows Monkeys

Watch the videos on Harlow’s studies of attachment.
What did you learn or were surprised to see in his studies.    
Write a response based on your reaction to the video.  What did you  learn or were surprised to see in the videos?  Be sure to explain your  responses.

Assignment –
Write a short essay describing things parents can do to foster the  emotional and cognitive development of their children.  Your response  should be approximatley 300-400 words. Click the blue submit bar to turn  in your assignment.

reply to 2 Students
Harlow’s studies of attachment served the overall purpose of proving that for normal childhood development love is needed. After watching the videos, I learned about the key components of his studies, as well as the results of these studies. The first video went over the experiment which was done on an orphan monkey who was separated from its mother at birth. In the video it shows the monkey for an attachment with a pad kept in its cage, when the pad is removed for cleaning, the monkey becomes very disturbed and shows a bit of separation anxiety. They compare the brain of the baby monkey to the brain of a human baby and say that it can actually be more advanced than a human, which I found to be very surprising. I guess this makes sense though, as most studies are first conducted on animals, and to be able to accurately compare the responses of these animals they must share similar traits with humans. It is actually very cool to see how quickly an attachment can form and what happens when this attachment is taken away. I found the videos to be very interesting, it is always nice to learn about different studies conducted to help understand the behaviors of humans and the psychological aspect of the human brain.

Based on watching the video I did know that monkeys are very needy but I did not know that they could die of loneliness. It makes sense that they are very needy because they are taken care of from the beginning of their life to the end, even if they are wild because the animals take care of each other and look out for everyone. When the baby monkeys are experimented to see which “mom” they would go to is a very interesting thing. The fact that the monkeys go to the imitated mom that has cloth makes sense because it resembles more of the mom than a wired. I think because they feel safer with being with the imitated mom with the cloth. It makes sense because if you were scared you would rather go to something that seems like it can protect you rather than something that doesn’t. It is very interesting that when the money is taken away from the cloth mom for six months and is reunited it seems to miss it very much. This makes sense also because when a person is let’s say gone for a long time doing whatever and then comes back they miss people that are in their lives a lot. I just find it very interesting that monkeys get so attached to their moms or anything that they look to that may represent being a mom.

solved The transition from a consumer of research to a producer

The transition from a consumer of research to a producer of research includes becoming an expert in the design and methodology required for the research task in addition to becoming an expert in the content of the research. Since not every nuance of every research design and method can be addressed in the limited space of a doctoral program, doctoral learners must take the responsibility to become fully immersed in the research design and methodology that is best suited to address the research questions of the dissertation. In this assignment, you will make a step toward both becoming an expert in the research methodology of your dissertation and to creating a first draft of the methodology section of your prospectus. Please note that a passing score on this assignment does not indicate an approved research design or methodology. You will work with your dissertation chair and methodologist to further refine and focus the design and methodology once you enter the dissertation phase of the program.General Requirements:Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:Refer to the potential dissertation research questions and problem statement you drafted as an assignment in a previous course.Retain this paper for reference in future courses.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for specific guidelines related to doctoral level writing. The Manual contains essential information on manuscript structure and content, clear and concise writing, and academic grammar and usage.This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articlesfor assistance.Directions:Write a paper (750-1,000 words) in which you present a clearly articulated argument for whether a qualitative or quantitative research methodology is the best approach to answer the potential dissertation research questions and address the problem statement you drafted in a previous course. Include the following in your paper:A literature-supported discussion identifying the critical attributes of the selected methodology (qualitative or quantitative).A literature-supported rationale that clearly articulates why the critical attributes of the selected methodology are a best or appropriate fit for the stated problem and research questions. Cite specific examples where a similar methodology was used to answer similar research questions or to address a similar problem statement.A literature-supported rationale that clearly articulates why the opposing methodology (qualitative or quantitative) is not appropriate for the study.A concluding statement that clearly affirms the methodological choice (qualitative of quantitative).

solved Verbal communication skills What are 2 barriers you experience when

Verbal communication skills

What are 2 barriers you experience when you are trying to engage in effective verbal communication?
How can you overcome each of the barriers you identified? (For each barrier describe two (2) approaches you could use to overcome them)
Written communication skills

What are 2 barriers you experience when you are trying to engage in effective written communication?
How can you overcome each of the barriers you identified? (For each barrier describe two (2) approaches you could use to overcome them)

Discuss how you can use these approaches in your:

Cover and thank you letters

INSTRUCTIONS PART 2 (Peer response):
Consider your peer’s described barrier to effective verbal and written communication and their proposed approaches to overcome it.

Choose one of the barriers in verbal communication described in their post.

Share a time when you experienced a similar barrier and how it was or was not surmounted.
Suggest another approach to overcoming it.

Choose one of the barriers in written communication described in their post.

Share a time when you experienced a similar barrier and how it was or was not surmounted.
Suggest another approach to overcoming it.

Suggest another way your peer can use one of their approaches to improve their verbal or written communications with potential employers.

Peer’s Discussion Post:

Verbal communication skills

What are 2 barriers you experience when you are trying to engage in effective verbal communication?

I think that a barrier that I experience when trying to engage in effective verbal communication is that I often times struggle to come up with answers to the interviewers questions, it is almost like my brain goes blank and I say umm and uh a lot. I also have been old before that I talk loudly and that is something that can rub people the wrong way. 

How can you overcome each of the barriers you identified? (For each barrier describe two (2) approaches you could use to overcome them)

I can research interview questions prior to going to the interview and formulate answers before the interview. If I feel confident going into the interview I will likely not say umm and uh as much when responding to questions.
I also can work on lowering my voice so that I am not talking so loud. Also I need to work more on maintaining eye contact with the person that I am speaking with in an interview. I feel as if that shows confidence. 

Written communication skills

What are 2 barriers you experience when you are trying to engage in effective written communication?

I feel like I have a pretty strong resume but it could be better
I also am terrible at writing cover letters and thank you cards. 

How can you overcome each of the barriers you identified? (For each barrier describe two (2) approaches you could use to overcome them)

I will utilize the tactics that we have learned in this class to make my resume even better then it is now. 
I also have learned skills in this class to improve my cover letter writing skills.
I did not know that you were supposed to send thank you cards after an interview so I will do that from now on after interviews. 

solved Module 10 Opening Discussion 66 unread replies.77 replies.PurposeThe purpose of

Module 10 Opening Discussion 66 unread replies.77 replies.PurposeThe purpose of the Opening Discussion is to allow us to directly think about a philosophical question or problem without the bias that might result from prior knowledge of the ideas and arguments of important philosophers.This direct approach to a philosophical question or problem sets the stage for our inquiry into the philosophical theories and arguments covered in the module. It furthermore is the first step toward a greater self-awareness of our own individual intellectual biases and assumptions.The Opening Discussion MUST be completed at the beginning of the module during the timeframe specified in the course calendar. Please make sure to carefully follow the directions provided and adhere to the deadlines specified in the course calendar.DirectionsClick on ‘Reply’ to create your Opening Discussion POST in response to the prompts below. In your post, please address the following:When you reflect on the later Wittgenstein’s notion of the contextuality of meaning (his notion of ‘language games’) and apply this notion to larger ‘systems’, do you think that some of these systems are ‘better’ or ‘more valid’ than others? Is there ‘progress’ of some sort throughout the history of ideas and intellectual inquiry? For instance, does the Scientific Revolution with its emphasis on empirical inquiry constitute progress compared to the focus on faith in the Middle Ages? Or – in a more specific example – do you think that modern empiricist epistemology (from Locke on onward) is ‘superior’ with respect to truth and knowledge, compared to Aristotelian teleology and his ideas of purpose in nature (the problematic notion of ‘final causes’)? Why? Why not? Carefully explain your reasoning. Can you think of your own examples of ‘progress’ in intellectual history? Can you think of ways of thinking or systems of thought that are (or have evolved to be) ‘better’ than others? Please make sure to provide concrete examples, and carefully explain your reasoning. Respond to at least two of your classmates. In order to respond to a classmate, open the classmate’s post and click ‘Reply’. Carefully explain why you agree or disagree with your classmate’s view on intellectual progress. Make sure to be specific and carefully explain your reasoning.You must create your POST before you can reply to your classmates. Therefore, you should create your POST a day or two before the discussion deadline.Your initial post should be about 200-300 words in length, and your responses to classmates should each be about 100-200 words in length, but feel free to be as detailed as you wish.Your post and your responses must be written in proper English (correct spelling and grammar, and appropriate style). It is recommended to write your post and responses using a word processing program and copy and paste the completed post and responses. This will avoid losing work in case of internet outage, etc. You are encouraged to comment on your classmate’s feedback to your initial post and keep the (civilized!) discussion going. **(you should reply to two of my peers discussion posts because its part of the assignment too )

solved Case Analysis 1 : Tesla, Inc. Objectives of Case Analysis:

Case Analysis 1 : Tesla, Inc.
Objectives of Case Analysis:
i. Apply frameworks to the complicated problems of actual businesses.
ii. Diagnose strategic issues, evaluate strategic alternatives, and formulate workable . Learn by explaining your analysis to other members of the class. iii. Listen to and learn from the insights of other students. 
Case 1: The case scheduled for discussion in Week 7. Please submit your work no later than 24 hours prior to the discussion of the case in the synchronous session in which it is scheduled for discussion.
Your case analysis should be no longer than one page, single spaced, 11-point Times New Roman font with margins of 1 inch on both sides. Case analysis must be submitted in Word or PDF file format.
Format for Case Analysis plans of action
1. Your case write-up should begin with a short executive summary that highlights your stand on the case. This summary should be no longer than two sentences. The remainder of the case write-up should present in greater detail the analyses that support your conclusions. 
2. The case is designed to get you to think about issues. In analyzing and writing up the case, adopt the perspective of a consultant who has been hired by the company to succinctly advise it on the critical issues at hand. Stitch together the arguments in a smooth way in your write-up. 
3. Be sure to use the data in the case when appropriate. Write-ups that ignore relevant data are incomplete. However, note that just because some data are presented in the case, it does not necessarily mean that the data are crucial or relevant to the solution you propose. Good strategists know what data to use, and how that data must be used. 
Effective Case Writing 
Below are some issues to consider when crafting your case analysis. 
Analysis: (Understanding the issues that the firms and individuals in the case are facing) 

Does the paper contain analyses of the major issues?• Do the analyses properly incorporate the relevant tools?• Do the analyses show the relationships among issues?• Are assumptions made in the analyses stated explicitly?• Do the analyses isolate the underlying causes of problems?Recommendations (Developing and evaluating alternative courses of action)• Are criteria for making recommendations stated/appropriate?• Are a broad range of feasible options thoughtfully considered?• Are the recommendations clearly articulated?• Is the action plan integrated in a logical way into the analysis?• Is the action plan specific, complete, and feasible?• Are timing (short-term, long-term phasing) issues addressed?• Are the expected benefits of the recommendations stated?Overall Criteria (Presenting ideas in a coherent, articulate, and professional manner)• Are the analyses in the exhibits (if any) done correctly?• Do the exhibits (if any) support and add to key points in text?• Is the paper logically consistent and effectively structured?• Is there a high likelihood that the recommendations will achieve their desired results?• Does the choice of words, spelling, grammar, and other elements of style improve the qualityand clarity of the analyses and recommendations?

solved THE BOOK ; NORTON 360 In the text, read/re-read (some

THE BOOK ; NORTON 360 In the text, read/re-read (some of this is from last week) sub-chapters 27, 29 and 30 from the chapter titled “Processes.” In there, you will read about different strategies for brainstorming, coming up with a thesis, generating ideas, refining ideas, and writing. Choose ANY one of the images that we have discussed so far, and practice two of the strategies mentioned in these sub-chapters. Am posting this as a Discussion, so, you will see each other’s work. just to give you an example of how to do this, I have listed some of the questions from one of the sub-chapters, and sample answers below. For the following pictureHow can it be defined? What I define here is the time and place, any background I can find out. After some research, I find out that these were construction workers taking a lunch break while building Rockefeller Plaza in New York City. It was taken in 1932. How can it be described? The men mostly look like they are having a good time, enjoying their break, reading newspapers, talking to each other, laughing, smoking. They seem to be oblivious to the fact that they are so high up. One outlier on the side seems less contented, and is looking directly at the camera. What can it be compared with? I think it can be compared to other working class photos of that time, like those taken by Dorothea Lange, in that it shows working class/lower income people at work, and humanizes them by showing them doing very human things. I also think of novels from that time period by writers like John Steinbeck, which portray these same sorts of folks. What may have caused it? You may or may not answer this question. In my case, I would say, this question is not relevant. How can it be classified? It can be classified as part of the visual literature of depression-era United States, a snapshot of the common man at that time, and, perhaps, an attempt to enlighten those of higher classes to the humanity of these people. How can it be analyzed? The hardworking men sitting on this skyscraper do, I believe, represent American ingenuity, toughness, optimism and perseverance. They are not downtrodden or worn out. Rather, they seem exuberant in their work clothes, on this steel metal piece of structure they have been working tirelessly at building. The steeliness of the image, the steel piece on which they sit, the steel color of the sky represent their toughness. I think it also humanizes a lower class that may have not received the respect that upper classes did, and still don’t. They are shown engaged in human activities of socializing and relaxing. They are human beings, who need enjoyment like anybody. Finally, as they are sitting high above the city, engaged in building a great landmark, I think it symbolizes American, capitalist ascent, America as this great, ever rising powerful entity. What expectations does it raise? Again, this is not applicable. What are the different positions on it? Here, I would research what others have said about it. What are your feelings about it? Would answer this in a few sentences. Are there any other ways to look at it? Would answer this by trying to look at it from another perspective.

solved Begin by reading the chapter on Rome in the text.

Begin by reading the chapter on Rome in the text. Then, for this week, you get to build your own assignment.  You will pick a topic related to Roman history that you find the most compelling and write about it.  You can explore the City of Rome (Links to an external site.), or topics related to Ancient Rome.  (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Be sure to explain why you picked your topic and identify the when, where, how, why, what data (in other words, if you pick Julius Caesar (Links to an external site.) tell us when he ruled, why he was important, what he did, how he did it, where he did the thing you are telling us about…). or perhaps you are more interested in the Empire (Links to an external site.) period? Or the “Fall (Links to an external site.)”?  Roman history is full of  fascinating topics and by allowing you all the freedom to choose we will receive a diverse and interesting set of entries. There are rules of course. You may not use any encyclopedias – no wikipedia or any other type of encyclopedia is allowed. Websites ending in edu or org are usually good to use, if you don’t find what you like in what I have included or the e-text. 
You respond to someone:
Rome is known for their architecture, amazing food and the roman empire. Rome is between 21st century between ancient city of ROME. Ancient Rome was also known for their builders and for their military power. It was ruled by Julis Caesar. Julius Caesar was a revolution himself, he forced his people into many battles and conquered german lands and territories. He was born into a noble family and he later joined the political system.( National Geographic Society, July 2018) He stayed in Gallic and became governor he stayed for almost about eight years to avoid Gallic invading the roman land. He made himself a dictator and he became obsessed with power. “Caesar was now master of Rome and made himself consul and dictator. He used his power to carry out much-needed reform, relieving debt, enlarging the senate, building the Forum Iulium and revising the calendar.” (National Geographic Society, July 2018).
Caesar had is soldiers build a bridge to cross th river. He had had his engineers. The engineering bridge is the speed finished it fast by him. He was very determined to get to the German territory. He was declared himself as a dictator that ruled also could be his win or his down fall. People among the Roman Empire were speaking of his death or assassination towards him. Rome was a small kingdom ha a very small population. Rome expanded there resources and took or shared upon many ideas to their engineers. Romans created their first highway system they couldn’t create corners. The city was lnown to travel using boats mostly.Rome controlled most of Europe and North Africa. Augusta was crowned first emperor. Roman new cities of new urban style of life were very a more up in life luxuries. Roman concrete had a modern water concrete then regular. It allowed higher buildings to be made, and create nicer roman cities. In the city in Rome was known to constantly be state of water, sustain life, had water.( How Rome forged Rome empire sep,2020)

solved Discussion 1:This exercise is designed to help you with integrating

Discussion 1:This exercise is designed to help you with integrating sources into your own writing. This will help you as you prepare to write your four-source, six-source and multiple-source essays. Here’s what you’ll do:Review the following short paragraph on a hypothetical paper about cybersecurity and the Internet of Things. Note that the writer has made some errors in his integration of Shindell as a source. Identify at least two errors, and describe what the errors are in one or two sentences. (Note: You don’t have to re-write the paragraph. Just describe what the errors are—e.g., “One error can be found in the first sentence, where the writer includes the title of the article instead of the author’s name…”)One potential method of hacking into a hospital’s records is through a wearable device. Often, wearable devices are used by health care institutions to monitor blood pressure or other health conditions. However, such devices expose vulnerabilities in the system. (Shindell, 2018) argues that hackers increasingly integrate malware to infect such devices and then use them as foundations upon which to attack the health care institution’s IT systems. Specifically, Shindell, 2018, maintains that ransomware is especially pernicious. “During an attack, victims will typically encounter a screen giving them directions for paying a ransom to retrieve their data…” “More than half of hospitals surveyed were hit with ransomware in the previous 12 months.”Discussion 2:For this discussion, you’ll evaluate a student sample Four Source Essay paper. This will help you as you work on our own upcoming essay.Here’s what to do:Read the sample paper for Writing Assignment #2 (the Four-Source Essay). The paper is about the effect of the One Child Policy on elder care in China. It’s called Sample Student Four Source Essay. (See attachement) (Please note that this paper uses 6th edition APA. For updated citation purposes only, see the APA 7th edition, example student paper in Content.)Answer the following questions, and post your response to the discussion board.Note that this isn’t a perfect paper. More synthesis is necessary between the sources. However, as you can see from the annotated bibliography, the student has narrowed her topic. She has moved from the general effects of China’s One Child Policy to the specific effect on the care for the elderly in China.1. In the paper, notice how the writer integrates the first two sources into the second paragraph. How do these two sources relate to each other? How could the student have made the relationship clearer? (Answer in ~3-4 sentences.) For example, you might consider if the sources are similar or different, if they support each other or contradict each other, or some other observation. 2. The writer cited Zhang & Goza (2016) in various parts of the paper. What did these authors add to the literature on the elder care in China, according to this paper? You might focus on paragraphs 2, 3 and 5 (answer in ~3-4 sentences). For example, you might begin, “The research by Zhang & Goza focused specifically on…”Please put each discussion on 1 page. Don’t mix the discussions together!

solved AView the TED TalkWatch TED talk, Your health depends on

AView the TED TalkWatch TED talk, Your health depends on where you live. Initial Post (300 words) Discuss, why does geographic location matter to your health? Is this a factor that is assessed and recorded on your medical record? What effect could that have?BWhat are Health Disparities? Read Healthy People 2020Investigate the NIH Research Portfolio online reporting tools for health disparitiesHealth disparities refer to differences in the health status of different groups of people. Some groups of people have higher rates of certain diseases, and more deaths and suffering from them, compared to others. These groups may be based on race, ethnicity, immigrant status, disability, sexual orientation, geography, or income. Review the information in the reference below to deepen your understanding of these issues. Based on your investigations and readings, choose one of the groups associated with health disparities. You can use the review of disparities associated with African American health as a guide ( Provide a summary of the major issues for the group selected, and links to resources for the individuals.CHealth Disparities Poster Design an informative poster that shows the health concerns specific to the group you chose in Task 1. Make the poster attractive, engaging, colorful, and informative but not wordy. The idea is to visually summarize the health concerns of the group you are highlighting. Upload your poster to the dropbox.DDisaster in Franklin CountyGo to this site and register for the simulation. There is no cost but you must register. This will take a few minutes. Once you have completed the whole registration you will receive an email that will tell you have to access the course.Click on the course name on the bottom right of the PUBH X379 – Online: Disaster in Franklin County: A Public Health Simulation.Review the description and learning outcomes. In the middle of the page click on Disaster in Franklin County: A Public Health Simulation NCrInvestigate the site and be prepared to work with your team to complete the simulation in the lesson. Click on the top pull down menu items and investigate.E Project Assignment:Decide on the natural or man made event that you will focus on for your project and at least 4 vulnerable populations that will need particular care during and after the event. You may choose a local or national event that has actually occurred OR you may create your own event. Write details of the event history – what happened, when, other circumstances of the event that are important.Identify four vulnerable groups – be specific about what groups (must include at least women/infants/children, and any of the following: migrants, immigrants, rural poor, elderly, economically disadvantaged, ethnic/racial minorities) why chosen, and any issues that you know now that could affect the individuals. This will be added to as you work through each week.l

solved In this assignment, you are to use the same corporation

In this assignment, you are to use the same corporation (McKesson Corporation ) you selected and focused on for the Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness assignment. (Previous assignment attached for reference)
Using the corporation you chose from the Week 3 assignment, Strategic Management, and Strategic Competitiveness, examine the industry in which the entity operates. Use any or all of the following resources to conduct research on the company:

Company website.
Public filings from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Filings & Forms page.
Strayer University’s online databases.
The Lexis Advance database.
Other miscellaneous sources. Note: the company’s annual report will often provide insights that other resources may not include.
Use the External and Internal Environments Template [DOC] to ensure that your assignment meets the requirements
Write a 4–6 page paper in which you do the following:

Choose the two segments of the general environment that would rank highest in their influence on the corporation you chose.

Assess how these segments affect the corporation you chose and the industry in which it operates.

Considering the five forces of competition, choose the two that you estimate are the most significant for the corporation you chose.

Evaluate how well the company has addressed these two forces in the recent past.

With the same two forces in mind, predict what the company might do to improve its ability to address these forces in the near future.
Assess the external threats affecting this corporation and the opportunities available to the corporation.

Give your opinions on how the corporation should deal with the most serious threat and the greatest opportunity. Justify your answer.

Give your opinion on the corporation’s greatest strengths and most significant weaknesses.

Choose the strategy or tactic the corporation should select to take maximum advantage of its strengths, and the strategy or tactic the corporation should select to fix its most significant weakness. Justify your choices.

Determine the company’s resources, capabilities, and core competencies.
Go to the Strayer University Online Library to locate three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources. 
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is as follows:
Analyze the effects of the general environment, competition, threats, opportunities, strengths, and weaknesses relative to a corporation.

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