solved Articles related to topic: Google doc: Â

Articles related to topic:
Google doc:
role of technology adolescent relationships and identity.pdf 
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For your cause and effect essay, you can try researching “addiction to technology” or “impact of technology on…”  It may give you places to start researching the topic.  Your first two pages are due for editing (first draft) at the end of Week 4.
If you experienced using technology since you were a young child or even witnessed everyone around you using it, you may not see the difference in relationships that do not have this component. If true, you will have to rely on research (including perhaps talking to people who were alive when technology wasn’t so prevalent). Interviews can be used as additional sources to the four required. 
Psychological studies show that humans devoid of human contact can develop mental disorders. Children who live in orphanages where they are not picked up and held, develop failure to bond. If they cannot bond with other human beings; they can also develop psychotic behaviors. Communicating via Facetime, Snap Chat and texts do not fulfill the requirements for healthy relationships. 
Addiction to technology is now included in a clinical diagnosis. People can get treatment for this addiction; this was unheard of twenty years ago. Addictions of any kind are destructive to relationships; People lose marriages and relationships with family members due to addictions (gambling, alcohol, pornography, drugs). Addictions are a sign of someone who is unavailable to be in a healthy relationship as they are concentrated on fulfilling that addiction; they are only available to have a relationship with pleasing themselves. What might the overuse of technology be doing to relationships today? 
For your essay, you will discuss and analyze the impact of the extensive use of technology has made on human relationships. If relationships are the foundation of a culture, what are we seeing in our society as a result? Papers should be 3-4 pages in length, 12 pt. Times New Roman font and double spaced (MLA 8th edition formatting) The paper should include a Works Cited page (not included in the four pages.).Your paper should be written in MLA 8th edition formatting and will need to include: 
1) An original thesis statement will be making an argument regarding technology and its effects on human relationships. Your thesis should incorporate some of the following questions: 
? ? ? 
How has/will this technology affect human relationships? 
Is it helping bring people together or is it pushing people apart?
Is there a way in which technology lessens the “quality” of interactions we have with one another? 
? What ultimate effects might the expanding uses of technology have on the way our society functions? 

solved AsAssessment Description The foundational elements of content area instruction rest

AsAssessment Description The foundational elements of content area instruction rest upon research-based instructional approaches, literary theories, and reading/writing strategies. As lifelong learners, reading specialists/literacy specialists apply these elemental concepts while also being informed about ongoing research that may offer additional insight for educators. Create a 750-1,000-word essay that describes literacy theories, instructional approaches, and reading and writing strategies to support literacy and content area teachers. Include the following in your essay: Description of reader response theory, new criticism theory, and critical literary theory, and how they can be applied to current literacy curriculum. Description of basal/anthology, literature-based, individualized reading and writing workshops, and integrated instructional approaches. Provide a brief analysis of how each relates to the literary theories above when creating a balanced literacy program. Discuss at least two evidence-based reading strategies that support the literary theories described. Include an explanation of how to support culturally responsive learning in the classroom. Discuss at least two evidence-based writing strategies that support the literary theories described. Include how each inform writing instruction and support reading across content areas. Support your essay with a minimum of 3-5 resources. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is/is not required.sessment DescriptionThe foundational elements of content area instruction rest upon research-based instructional approaches, literary theories, and reading/writing strategies. As lifelong learners, reading specialists/literacy specialists apply these elemental concepts while also being informed about ongoing research that may offer additional insight for educators.Create a 750-1,000-word essay that describes literacy theories, instructional approaches, and reading and writing strategies to support literacy and content area teachers.Include the following in your essay: Description of reader response theory, new criticism theory, and critical literary theory, and how they can be applied to current literacy curriculum. Description of basal/anthology, literature-based, individualized reading and writing workshops, and integrated instructional approaches. Provide a brief analysis of how each relates to the literary theories above when creating a balanced literacy program. Discuss at least two evidence-based reading strategies that support the literary theories described. Include an explanation of how to support culturally responsive learning in the classroom. Discuss at least two evidence-based writing strategies that support the literary theories described. Include how each inform writing instruction and support reading across content areas. Support your essay with a minimum of 3-5 resources.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is/is not required.

solved This discussion asks you to describe/define yourself in terms of

This discussion asks you to describe/define yourself in terms of the various cultures and subcultures to which you belong, and to consider how well your identity may fit within one (or more) of the global civilizations our authors discuss. Do you consider yourself to be more Western (rooted in European-based language and ideology) or more Eastern (rooted in Chinese-based language and ideology) in your civilizational identity—or perhaps both or neither? However you define yourself, identify at least one specific part of your life that significantly links you to another civilization. For example, if you define yourself as Western, is there nonetheless something significant in defining who you are that is instead of Eastern or some other non-Western origin? If not from your own life, provide an example of something specific (a news story, website, photograph, artifact of popular culture, etc.) that appears to be out of place at the global, civilizational scale. avoid writing a personal ad that highlights your idiosyncracies and personality traits, and instead offer a profile of the various groups (bigger and smaller) to which you belong. Who are your people(s)? What mix of popular and folk cultures together define who you are? Upon reflection, what does this teach you about the ideas of civilization and culture and how they shape/define your identity—our identities—in the present modern/global age?THIS IS AN EXAMPLE:I would say that I am rooted in global Western origin since I was born in Los Angeles and have lived here my whole life consuming Western things like food, entertainment, and other aspects of life. My parents aren’t from here so I do have another culture that I consumed a lot growing up and they had their own way of life which was different from how people in the U.S. do it. My parents are from Mexico so we celebrate things differently sometimes and I was raised differently than how some other people did. I don’t partake much in Mexican holidays and neither do my parents since it’s been almost 30 years since they’ve been here they got used to the things mostly celebrated in the states.I do find the culture of Mexico very interesting and would like to learn about it more I also speak two languages which I find very useful at times and it fascinates me how someone can learn two languages or multiple because I felt it was low effort learning both languages since I grew up with both.A subculture I partake in are playing games since I enjoy it on my free time and it is a fun way to pass time when bored I also play with my friends most of the time which is another way I socialize when I can’t go out and see my friends that day. I also practice the keyboard, and I play the trumpet as well I enjoy playing both instruments.SOME THINGS ABOUT ME, PLEASE USE WHAT I WRITE BELOW TP DO THE ASSIGNMENT WHAT I PUT ABOVE THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF HOW THE ASSIGNMENT SHOULD LOOK.I AM ROOTED IN GLOBAL WESTERN ORGIN I LIVED IN Los Angeles MY WHOLE LIFE. MY PARENTS ARE FROM IRAN AND WE DO CELEBRATE MANY PERSIAN HOLIDAYS. A SUBCULTURE I DO IS KICKBOXING AND I LOVE TO HANG OUT WITH MY FRIENDS.

solved Prior to beginning work on this discussion part 1,undefinedReview Chapter

Prior to beginning work on this discussion part 1,undefinedReview Chapter 49 of the course textbook.undefinedCoed Theatres (Coed), a Cleveland area movie theater booking agent, began seeking customers in southern Ohio. Shortly thereafter, Superior Theatre Services (Superior), a Cincinnati booking agent, began to solicit business in the Cleveland area. Later, however, Coed and Superior allegedly entered into an agreement not to solicit each other’s customers. The Justice Department prosecuted them for agreeing to restrain trade in violation of § 1 of the Sherman Act. Under a government grant of immunity, Superior’s vice president testified that Coed’s vice president had approached him at a trade convention and threatened to start taking Superior’s accounts if Superior did not stop calling on Coed’s accounts. He also testified that at a luncheon meeting he attended with officials from both firms, the presidents of both firms said that it would be in the interests of both firms to stop calling on each other’s accounts. Several Coed customers testified that Superior had refused to accept their business because of the agreement with Coed. The trial court found both firms guilty of a per se violation of the Sherman Act, rejecting their argument that the rule of reason should have been applied and refusing to allow them to introduce evidence that the agreement did not have a significant anticompetitive effect.undefinedWhat is the rule of reason and how does it differ from the per se rules?Should the rule of reason have been applied in this case? Explain why or why not.undefinedYour initial response should be a minimum of 400 words.undefinedPrior to beginning work on this discussion part 2,undefinedReview Chapter 48 of the course textbook.undefinedBetween 1966 and 1975, the Orkin Exterminating Company, the world’s largest termite and pest control firm, offered its customers a “lifetime” guarantee that could be renewed each year by paying a definite amount specified in its contracts with the customers. The contracts gave no indication that the fees could be raised for any reasons other than certain narrowly specified ones. Beginning in 1980, Orkin unilaterally breached these contracts by imposing higher-than-agreed-upon annual renewal fees. Roughly 200,000 contracts were breached in this way. Orkin realized $7 million in additional revenues from customers who renewed at the higher fees. The additional fees did not purchase a higher level of service than that originally provided for in the contracts. Although some of Orkin’s competitors may have been willing to assume Orkin’s pre-1975 contracts at the fees stated therein, they would not have offered a fixed, locked-in “lifetime” renewal fee such as the one Orkin originally provided.undefinedUnder the three-part test for unfairness stated in the course textbook (see page 1363), did Orkin’s behavior violate FTC Act § 5’s prohibition against unfair acts or practices?Discuss each element of the three-part test and how it applies to the Orkin case.undefinedYour initial response should be a minimum of 400 words.

solved Case 13.3 “Dear Mr. President—Please Cancel our Project!”: The Honolulu

Case 13.3 “Dear Mr. President—Please Cancel our Project!”: The Honolulu Elevated Rail ProjectThis case is a great current example of a very expensive project that was kicked off because of an assumed need—to relieve congestion in downtown Honolulu through an elevated urban rail system. Critics argue that in addition to having a ballooning cost, the actual planning was poorly conceived, leaving Honolulu with an intrusive and ugly rail system through the downtown area, ruining panoramic views, and impeding traffic. Additionally, advocates underestimated the power needs for the rail system, requiring the transport authority to renegotiate electricity fees for the system. Finally, the original costs that were assumed for the project were calculated during an economic downturn and with the economy booming again, the costs of the project have gone up dramatically. All of these elements points to a state Governor who is anxious to be rid of the project and hoping that President Trump will deny additional federal funding, in which case the project will likely be cancelled.QuestionsWhy are public works projects like the Honolulu Rail project nearly impossible to stop once they have been approved, even if later cost estimates skyrocket?Project Management researchers have charged that many large infrastructure projects, like this one, suffer from “delusion” and “deception” on the parts of their advocates. Explain how “delusion” might be a cause of ballooning budgets in this project. How does “deception” affect the final project budget overruns?Case Study 14.1—New Jersey Kills Hudson River Tunnel ProjectThis case illustrates the challenges in making an early termination decision. Often, particularly in the case of public projects, there is a real difficulty in stopping a project once it has gotten “on the books.” As a result, projects with huge cost overruns, like Boston’s “Big Dig” are allowed to continue almost indefinitely. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie made a tough call in deciding to cancel the Hudson River Tunnel project because he was given a number of rosy projections that did not match the actual costs incurred to that date. This is a great case to let students pick sides: should Christie have cancelled the project or not? There are arguments to be made that the need was strong (although others could argue that the need was over-sold). On the other hand, the history of the project to date and the uncertainty about future federal funding made it a real gamble, especially during a time of economic recession.QuestionsHow would you respond to the argument that it is impossible to judge how successful a project like this one would have been unless you actually do it?Take a position, either pro or con, on Christie’s decision to kill the ARC. Develop arguments to support your point of view.In your opinion, how clearly must a large infrastructure project like ARC have determined its need, costs, and so forth before being approved? If the criteria are too stringent, what is the implication for future projects of this type? Would any ever be built?

solved Within-Subject Experimental Methods Imagine you are a teacher charged with

Within-Subject Experimental Methods 
Imagine you are a teacher charged with the responsibility of supervising elementary students playing during recess. One day, you are visibly present to the students, carefully navigating the playground to oversee behaviors of play; you do not notice any behaviors where you might need to intervene (such as fights, bullying, unfair play, etc.). The next day, you follow the same pattern and notice no disruptive behaviors. However, on the third day, you walk around less and find you must redirect some bullying instances. The following day, you go back to your regular pattern, and there are no incidences. How might you assess the situation? Does consistently walking around, being present throughout the playground, reduce the likelihood of disruptive behavior? These types of questions and scenarios are typical areas studied for a within-subjects experimental method (Privitera, 2017). Specifically, researchers examine the same group participants and observe over time with the intent to rule-out time-related factors, which may help reveal what differences may be due to manipulation (Privitera, 2017). 
Your text reveals an example of music and its possible connection to how participants feel during running (Privitera, 2017), looking at how to control for what may be manipulating runners to feel good one day and not on another (i.e., music or possibly other factors, such as fatigue). This week, you will evaluate the processes of the within-subjects experimental method. These processes involve criteria for design, considerations for development such as time-related factors, counterbalancing, controlling for threats against validity, selecting and comparing related samples, and application of statistical tests in support for datasets (Privitera, 2017)
PT 1: I will need to add information from this week’s materials to your Research Chart. 
In the corresponding section, provide the name(s) of the method you reviewed, its primary use and when it should be used, strengths and limitations of the method, ethical considerations, and one example of when the method could be used (include your interests or something more general).
Length: Updated research chart, not including title and reference pages. Be sure to cite resources used in your assignment.
PT 2: I have to extend my examination of the within-subjects experimental method into two hands-on activities. Referring to page 367 and the SPSS in Focus: Related-Samples t-test in your text, follow the steps for conducting this analysis. Then, on page 372, I have to follow the steps provided for the SPSS in Focus: One-Way Within-Subjects ANOVA.
PT 3:

For this week’s reflection, consider the following points: 

Explain the research situations that may require you to use within-subjects experimental methods (be sure to give examples/be specific).
Examine the limitations and benefits learned about these methods and their use.
Analyze any ethical considerations with implementing these methods.
Reflect on your experience with this week’s SPSS activity.
Include any questions you may have for your professor.

solved 11. Which of the following reporting standards is higher: a.

11. Which of the following reporting standards is higher: a. Substantial Authority versus Reasonable Basis? b. Realistic Possibility of Success versus More Likely Than Not?c. Reasonable Basis versus Realistic Possibility of Success? d. Substantial authority versus More Likely Than Not? 13. Assume that the tax law does prescribe a reporting standard for a particular tax
position. What threshold standard should a tax return preparer apply to avoid penalties? 16. Your client operates a small telemarketing company out of her home, and she has
one full-time employee who assists in making phone calls to prospective customers.
Her teenage daughter also enters data into the company’s electronic record-keeping
system on a regular basis. Her daughter is somewhat “spoiled,” so your client pays her
$40 cash per hour to encourage her to develop a solid work ethic and work diligently.
Your client has told you that she wants to“be straight” with the IRS in every way. Are
there any issues that you might want to challenge or research?17. Your client owns a 3-bedroom home with a 2-car garage in a suburb of
Tucson,Arizona. Although the home office rules are strict on deducting expenses, you
have determined that your client satisfies these rules. Her home office occupies the
spare bedroom in her home, and it comprises about 480 square feet of her 2,400 square
foot home. The garage is an additional 480 square feet. Your client is interested in
claiming the maximum allowable deductions for her home office. In reviewing your
client’s tax return for last year, you noticed that she claimed a deduction equal to the full
amount of her mortgage payment on the house.Your client did not, however, deduct any
other expenses associated with her home office. She did not maintain detailed records
and was concerned that the IRS might think that she was exaggerating her other
expenses if she just “ballparked them” without adequate supporting documentation. a. Are there any issues that you want to challenge or research? b. Should you inform the tax return preparer who filed her return last year about these
errors? c. What other advice should you give to your client?d. Assume that the prior-year tax return preparer is a friend of yours, but he really
screwed up and should compensate your client if she incurs tax penalties and interest.
Would you inform your client about her rights against your friend? Should you inform
your friend about this? 18. Kupan, a famous forensic pathologist, failed to report income from the sale of his
mansion on his tax return. His gain on sale exceeded $1.7 million. He also sold stock at a
$400,000 gain and did not report that gain either. In a criminal prosecution against Kupan
for tax fraud, Kupan blamed his accountant, Rachel, for the omission, claiming that
Rachel knew that the pathologist was a “poor record-keeper.” Kupan admitted that he
read the tax return prepared by Rachel and signed it. Will Kupan’s defense of shifting responsibility to Rachel in this criminal prosecution be successful? 4 to 5 lines for each requirement Requirements: Requirements: 2-3 pages

solved Please respond to two of my classmates using your own

Please respond to two of my classmates using your own personal voice. Responses can be around 100-150 words.RESPONSE 1:Good afternoon,What types of knowledge and skills do analysts need for exposure identification and risk evaluation in the public sector? As a risk manager in the public sector often overlaps with the risk managers in the private sector, but risk managers in the public sectors are primarily concerned with broader objectives that go beyond profits, business risks, and credit risks. Instead, the risk manager in the public sector focuses on public policy and funding, along with understanding budgeting and its various approaches. In order to proficiently communicate the implementation, and justification of existing and new programs. Risk managers in the public sector must display problem solving skills along with conflict resolution in analytics.What types of continuous direction and careful attention connote excellent risk management for public sector organizations?The public sector and private sector take on the same risk, but as a risk manager in the public sector conducting risk assessments could potentially hurt more than the organization if it is not conducted correctly. The risk manager in the public sector risks losing vital resources that are much needed for the communities they serve, along with losing funding for programs in future budgets, because they will not be able to justify the funding because of the mistakes made with risk factors.WILSON, E. A., & KANSAL, S. K. (2021). The near Future of Risk Management the Vital Role of Risk Managers in the Post-Pandemic World. RMA Journal, 103(8), 16–19. RESPONSE 2:What types of knowledge and skills do analysts need for exposure identification and risk evaluation in the public sector? As a risk manager, you’re not just crunching numbers you first need to understand and work with every different department in a company, building relationships as you go. So what skills does it take to be a good risk manager?Problem solvingAnalytical skillsCommunicationBusiness UnderstandingNegotiation and DiplomacyNumeracyWorking Under PressureWhat types of continuous direction and careful attention connote excellent risk management for public sector organizations?The public sector faces every risk the private sector does and then some. Adding to the complexity of public sector risk management is the transparency required in public sector deliberations, including contract negotiations and the burden for public sector risk managers to proactively mitigate risk at a price their cash-strapped employers can afford.What follows is a list of critical public sector risks, any one of which could reduce a public entities’ budget to a shambles if not properly managed. The organization should continue to implement strategies that will be effective to the staff. The organization should continue to make sure that they have training each year to keep the staff up to date on new procedures and policies in the organization. References:……

solved Please just make a response to the students discussion post.

Please just make a response to the students discussion post. I put down the students response and the requirements for the response and the resources below:There were two significant milestones that were revolutionary in the 1960’s which established and reverberated rights from that point on and these moments were the Civil rights act of 1964 and the Great Society programs.When racial tensions flared against the Afro-Asmerican peaceful protesters and activists starting in Birmingham it marked the beginning of Federal intervention and support for Civil rights from the President, Kennedy, himself. Following Kennedy’s assassination Lyndon Johnson would push for the Civil Rights Act which “prohibited racial discrimination in employment, institutions like hospitals and schools and privately owned public accommodations such as restaurants, hotels, and theatres” (GML Ch 25 The Sixties). This was the start domestic liberalism and resolving the “moral crisis” Kennedy had mentioned in his speech prior to his death, furthermore it was the dismantlement of the Jim Crow system in the south.Moreover, the last great achievement of the radical rights movement was the Great Society programs that brought about systematic problem solving to poverty reduction, medical care for all citizens, and greater educational opportunity. LBJ, being of humble origins and a teacher of the impoverished, established lasting programs from the federal government to help those in need and the less fortunate. “Above all else, Lyndon Johnson saw the Great Society as an instrument to create racial justice and eliminate poverty” (The Great Society Speech. pg 7.) These programs drastically reduced poverty levels from upwards of 22% down to 13% and even increased the lifespan of the minority population by providing medical access through medicare/ medicaid programs. The Civil Rights Act and Great Society programs, I feel, were the two most significant revolutionary rights born out of 1960’s. RESPONSES: Instructions for responding to other students’ discussion posts:Compose a thoughtful and respectful response to ONE of the discussion threads created by other students. (I recommend you do this in a word processing program and then cut and paste your answer into the discussion forum).Begin your response with a clear thesis statement that responds directly the post AND to the original question, AND establishes a plausible line of argument to support this claim. (your response must do all three things to earn full credit) (1pt)Next, develop at least ONE concrete example to support your argument, drawing from the assigned course materials. This must be a different example than the ones you cited in your own discussion post. (1pt)Please cite each of your sources using a simple parenthetical citation form, including author’s last name, abbreviated title, and page. E.g.: (Davidson and Lytle, ‘View from the Bottom Rail,’ 275), or (D&L, ‘VftBR,’ 275).Responses must be at least 100 words in length. Please use full sentences.……

solved Read and watch the lecture resources & materials below early

Read and watch the lecture resources & materials below early in the week to help you respond to the discussion questions and to complete your assignment(s).(Note: The citations below are provided for your research convenience. You should always cross reference the current APA guide for correct styling of citations and references in your academic work.)ReadJarvis, C. (2019).Chapter 26Barriers to health promotion in community dwelling elders Download Barriers to health promotion in community dwelling eldersStark, M. A., Chase, C., DeYoung, A. (2010). Barriers to health promotion in community dwelling elders. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 27(4), 175-186. doi: 10.1080/07370016.2010.515451Comprehensive Older Person’s Evaluation (Links to an external site.)Elsevier. (2012). Comprehensive older person’s evaluation .…Aging Macular Degeneration (Links to an external site.)Elsevier. (n.d.). Aging macular degeneration. Evolve: Jarvis: Physical examination & health assessment, 6th edition – Clinical reference – Health promotion guide .…Colon and Rectal Cancer: What Is Your Risk? (Links to an external site.)Elsevier. (n.d.). Colon and rectal cancer. Evolve: Jarvis: Physical examination & health assessment, 6th edition – Clinical reference – Health promotion guide.…Prostate Cancer: What Is Your Risk? (Links to an external site.)Elsevier. (n.d.). Prostate cancer. Evolve: Jarvis: Physical examination & health assessment, 6th edition – Clinical reference – Health promotion guide.…Write Up Guideline (Links to an external site.)Elsevier. (n.d.). Complete Physical Examination Form .…Assignment below:The Comprehensive Assessment provides a fresh start with Tina Jones where you can demonstrate mastery of a head-to-toe examination and assessment.As part of this assignment, you will then submit a typed write-up of your physical assessment of Tina. Make sure to follow the proper sequencing order in your physical assessment write up and use correct terminology. A sample of a physical examination with care plan can be found in the Jarvis textbook on page 787-788. This is a one-time attempt. You will upload the head to toe assessment write up Submission Instructions:The Write-Up is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.The Write-Up should be formatted per current APA and 1 page in length exclude cover page. No references required.Grading Rubric Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.View RubricHead to Toe Write-UpHead to Toe Write-UpCriteriaRatingsPtsWrite-Upview longer description100 ptsWell DoneDocumentation is complete, well–written, and all key information are documented.80 ptsSatisfactoryDocumentation missing some minor components.50 ptsUnsatisfactoryPoor documentation and missing vital information./ 100 ptsTotal Points: 0