solved 1. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word summary in MS Word

1. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word summary in MS Word in which you:Explain how strategic portfolio management relates to project management.Discuss how portfolio management concepts support an organization’s mission and goals.Analyze the difference between project-based and non-project-based organizations. Address these areas:How does communication differ for a project manager in a project-based organization versus a non-project-based organization?Describe two challenges that a project manager might face in a non-project-based organization.As a project manager in a non-project-based organization, how would you overcome the challenges you identified?Use at least five credible references.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.2.Choose a scenario from the Scenarios document.Define activities for a project based on the scenario you choose.Include the following:Identify the scope of the project.Define the needs of the stakeholders.Create a WBS for the project.List necessary tools and techniques.List activities, activity attributes, and milestones for the project.Sequence the activities in a chart or diagram.3.Create a 7- to 9-slide presentation in which you include the following:Compare three performance measurement practices.Determine appropriate financial compensation and rewards using the scenario from your Wk 2 assignment, and explain your rationale for selecting the financial compensation and rewards.Outline a human resource plan for the project in the scenario.Include speaker notes on each slide.Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.4.Create a 350- to 700-word Communication Management Plan for the project scenario you chose in Wk 2.Develop a table in which you identify project and portfolio stakeholders and their influence on the projectAlign effective communication tools and techniques with each stakeholder.Explain why the methods of communication identified are most effective.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.5.A Project Management Plan has many components. Some aspects of the plan are introduced in future courses in the Project Management Certificate program. For the purpose of this assignment, include only the elements of the Project Management Plan discussed in this course and the preceding course in the Project Management Certificate program.Create a Project Management Plan in which you include the following:The WBS created (from Wk 2)The activities defined (from Wk 2)The sequenced activity chart or diagram (from Wk 2)A human resource plan (from Wk 3)A Communication Management Plan (from Wk 4)Develop a 700- to 1,050-word Risk Management Plan in which you include the following:Potential risks for the project and for the portfolio to which the project belongsThe likelihood and impact analysis of the identified risksA plan for managing responses to portfolio and project risksWrite a 350- to 525-word Project Control Plan in which you briefly discuss control mechanisms for this project.Create a 175- to 350-word introduction and executive summary for the plan, and place them at the beginning of your completed Project Management Plan.

solved Writing Assignment #4 White Paper for an External Audience Summary

Writing Assignment #4
White Paper for an External Audience
Summary of the Assignment:
• Task: In this paper, you will write a document that provides information that an external
audience can use to inform a decision.
We have read various white papers in the class this semester. White papers can be any
one of the following types:
o technical papers
o business benefit papers
o advocacy papers
o hybrid technical/business papers
The CANRIGHT document that is provided in the class in LEO describes all four of
these types of white papers.
• Length: 1200-1600 words
• Graphics: at least three graphics, two of which have to be original
• Format in Citing and Listing Sources: APA
• Number and Sources: at least five sources, at least one of which has to be obtained
through OneSearch
Brief Description of the White Paper:
In preparing for this assignment, you will want to review the following video:
“White Papers: An Introduction to the Genre and Its Expectations,” from the Purdue OWL
You may take any of the following approaches:
• a general white paper to an external audience – written to individuals in a particular
industry or field of study, but not an organization you are a part of. The white paper
could address a problem you are attempting to solve in the organization or to inform an
external audience about a relevant trend.
• a white paper promoting a new product or service to potential customers. This is an
example of a white paper to an external audience, but it features different rhetorical
considerations than the typical white paper written to an external audience does.
Both options are discussed in the Purdue OWL video mentioned above.
Please note: You will not be writing a white paper to your boss or to superiors in the
company for which you work.
That type of paper would be an internal white paper. If you take WRTG 394, you can
write that type of paper. For WRTG 393, we ask for a white paper to an external audience.
Strategies to Consider for the White Paper:
Please follow these guidelines:
• have a focused topic. Please see the sample white papers from previous students for
examples of how previous topics have been developed for this paper.
• write to a reasonably focused and identified audience
o A white paper to an external audience can have a broad audience or a narrow
â–ª For example, if you do not work for a hair salon and you write a white
paper promoting a new billing system for hair salons, the audience will
probably be the various hair salons in your neighborhood.
o A white paper that promotes a product or service to potential customers could
have a fairly broad audience.
â–ª For example, a white paper promoting a new taxi service in your
neighborhood has, theoretically, all residents in the neighborhood as a
potential audience.
• integrate thorough research
• do not directly tell the audience what action it should take. Rather, offer background
information that the audience can use to make a decision. The Purdue OWL video
mentions this principle. This is one reason the video refers to the white paper as a
backgrounder report.

solved Write a 1-page release (at least 5 full paragraphs) using

Write a 1-page release (at least 5 full paragraphs) using the following information. Try your hand at a headline too. You are representing U.S. Women’s National Soccer as their PR representative.
Subject: Alex Morgan, 30-year-old female U.S. women’s soccer national team player. Story: Morgan has refused to play in the U.S. qualifier for the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan citing unfair wages in relation to what the U.S. men’s national team is being paid for the same competition. She is encouraging other team members to join her in protest. The Federation International Football Association (FIFA) which is the official governing body for soccer for the Olympic Games. They are threatening to expel the U.S. from competition if they do not compete rendering the team ineligible to win a gold medal. The U.S. women are the defending champions winning in Brazil in 2016. Morgan is third all-time in goals scored in International Soccer competition having netted 24 goals in 54 appearances for the U.S. team. She is a current co-captain of the 2020 squad along with Megan Rapinoe and Carly Lloyd. Rapinoe and Lloyd are 1-2 all-time goal scorers with 34 and 30, respectively. Married to Servando Carrasco, Morgan recently gave birth to a baby daughter (Molly) in January 2020. She has trained hard to make her debut at the Olympics Games this July.U.S. women’s soccer national team coach Tony Meola is adamant that the Americans will field a team for the qualifying round. He stated he would bring up college players and U.S. junior team members from the U.S. pipeline if need be.Quotes: “I don’t feel like I’m doing anything that crazy by protesting,” said Morgan. “The women’s national soccer team trains just as hard, plays the same number of games and our pay scale is not even close to what the men’s team makes. It’s a total disregard for the work we put in and the sacrifices we make as U.S. national team players.”“I appreciate Ms. Morgan’s passion for her team and the stance she is taking, but the U.S. women’s national team will not set foot in Tokyo without playing their final qualifying game – which they must win or tie in order to compete,” said FIFA President, Mike Peck. “Women’s soccer has come a long way in the past 10 years. We’ve won the last two Olympic gold medals plus countless international and national competitions and we’re still not respected in terms of salary by FIFA and U.S. Soccer,” said Rapinoe.“I’m fed up with this inequality. It is sexist & biased. No doubt in my mind,” said Lloyd.“This is no time to mount a protest,” Meola said. “Alex and the veterans should know their place and not use the Olympics for politics and negotiating salaries.”“Good for you Alex – You Go Girl,” wrote Alexi Lawless, former U.S. men’s national soccer player. “The time is right for the U.S. women’s team to make equal pay.” Aftermath: A ruling will be made by the FIFA governing body on May 28. The U.S. women’s soccer team’s Olympic qualifier is the weekend of May 23-24 at the Walt Disney Sports Complex in Orlando, FL.

solved I’m working on a writing project and need support to

I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me study.

Question: Each team member is a security software architect in a cloud service provider company, assigned to a project to provide the client with data integrity and confidentiality protections for data in transit that will be using applications in the cloud. Your client is an HR company that is moving HR applications and HR data into a community cloud, sharing tenancy with other clients. Your company has set up a software as a service, SAS, offering for its client base.The data that the HR company will be pushing to and from the cloud will contain sensitive employee information, such as personally identifiable information, PII. You will have to address sensitive data and transit issues of the client data using the HR applications stored in the cloud and provide a life cycle management report that includes solutions to the cloud computing architect of your company.The team will decide on a team leader, who may divide sections to complete by small groups of team members. You decide to make an outline of the report, and to use the phases of the software development lifecycle, SDLC, as a basis for the report. The outline includes the following: examine the cloud computing environment and determine the protection techniques and how they will be applied to components within the cloud to ensure end-to-end protection of data in transit. Consider what security techniques and methods are applicable, and tailor the software development life cycle methodology for the cloud computing environment.Select the best methods and techniques for protecting confidentiality and integrity of data in transit and apply principles to the whole study approach. These are the software development life cycle phases to use as the report outline: initiating projects/defining scope, functional design, analysis and planning, system design specifications, software development, installation/implementation, tailoring, operation and maintenance, and disposal. Work in partnership teams to create the report.My portion are the steps below. 2 pages for each step. 6 pages in total.Step 1: Adapt and Deploy Software as a ServiceProvide a description of the SaaS adaptation and deployment strategy in the final report. Include a deployment strategy for the SaaS cloud infrastructure.Include the following in the deployment strategy:Cloud topology where these techniques are employed.Techniques used by various components.Step 2: Provide a Plan for Operations and MaintenanceIn the previous step, the team adapted SaaS. In this step, the team will plan for operations and maintenance.Prepare a plan for operations and maintenance of the system. The plan should also include:An auditing plan to assess the strength of the security controls for the data in transit.A process for continuous monitoring of the data in transit.Step 3: Create a Disposal PlanIn the previous step, the team developed a plan for operations and maintenance. In this step, the team will create a disposal plan.Prepare a disposal plan for the system including tools and techniques used for disposal.

solved THE HUMAN RESOURCES FRAMESLP Overview In the Module 2 SLP,

THE HUMAN RESOURCES FRAMESLP Overview In the Module 2 SLP, you will write a 3- to 4-page paper in which you will apply the Human Resources Frame to the organization in which you are currently employed (or in which you have worked previously). AssignmentThe Module 2 SLP requires that you write a 3- to 4-page paper, in which you address the following: After giving a brief description of the organization in which you presently work – or in which you have previously worked – apply the Human Resources Frame to the organization, analyzing the effectiveness of two or three human resources/ human relations characteristics you have identified. Keys to the AssignmentThe key aspects of this assignment that should be covered in your paper include the following:Briefly describe your organization – name, what it does, size (number of employees, annual revenue, relative market share, etc.);Choose 2 or 3 human resources activities within your organization (e.g., recruitment, evaluation, development, training, etc.); andUsing Bolman and Deal’s Human Resources Frame as a lens, discuss the relative effectiveness of the human resources characteristics you have selected. If you were CEO of your company, what (if anything) might you do differently? Why would you make the changes you suggest?SLP Assignment Expectations Your paper will be evaluated using the following five (5) criteria:Assignment-Driven Criteria: Does the paper fully address all Keys to the Assignment? Are the concepts behind the Keys to the Assignment addressed accurately and precisely using sound logic? Does the paper meet minimum length requirements?Critical thinking: Does the paper demonstrate graduate-level analysis, in which information derived from multiple sources, expert opinions, and assumptions has been critically evaluated and synthesized in the formulation of a logical set of conclusions? Does the paper address the topic with sufficient depth of discussion and analysis?Business Writing: Is the paper well-written (clear, developed logically, and well-organized)? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for graduate-level work? Are section headings included in all papers? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding to the Keys to the Assignment, or is justification/support instead conveyed through excessive use of direct quotations?Effective Use of Information (Information Literacy): Does the paper demonstrate effective research, as evidenced by student’s use of relevant and quality sources? Do additional sources used in paper provide strong support for conclusions drawn, and do they help in shaping the overall paper?Citing Sources: Does the student demonstrate understanding of APA Style of referencing, by inclusion of proper end references and in-text citations (for paraphrased text and direct quotations) as appropriate? Have all sources (e.g., references used from the Background page, the assignment readings, and outside research) been included, and are these properly cited? Have all end references been included within the body of the paper as in-text citations?

solved By the end of the module, you will be able

By the end of the module, you will be able to…
Identify the three theories of Economic Inequality (Conflict Theory, Functionalism, & Symbolic Interactionism)
Discuss the four theories of poverty
Differentiate between deficiency theories of poverty and structural theories of poverty
Examine poverty through the lenses of innate inferiority, cultural inferiority, Institutional discrimination, and the political economy of society
Evaluate the explanatory power of the above-mentioned theories of poverty
Define income and wealth
Examine the various and often conflicting explanations for income and wealth disparities
Discuss the cause of the racial wealth gap in American society
Examine the mechanisms, policies, and practices that perpetuate wealth inequality
Identify the three mechanisms through which banks impede non-whites access to homeownership
Evaluate the 3 structural causes of poverty
Explore the relationship between race and poverty
State and explain the 3 reasons why inner-city poverty became more severe and concentrated in the late 20th century
Discuss poverty on American Indian Reservations
Define and explain segmented assimilation theory
Explore how poverty impacts immigrants, the second generations, and the third generations
Examine racial discrimination in the labor market
Define the concepts of split-labor market and homosocial reproduction
Define environmental racism and environmental justice
Examine Flint Michigan’s water crisis as an example of environmental racism
To Do
Read: Thio: Theories of Economic Inequality
Read: Desmond: Race & Economics
Watch: Theories of Poverty Video Lecture
Watch: Race, Ethnicity, & Economics Video Lecture Part 1
Watch: Race, Ethnicity, & Economics Video Lecture Part 2
Watch: Race, Ethnicity, & Economics Video Lecture Part 3
Watch: Tim Wise Video: On White Privilege
Watch: Youtube Video: Wealth Inequality in America
Read: Bullard: Environmental Justice in the 21st Century
Read and Listen To: Environmentalism-Flint’s Water Crisis
Read and Listen To: The Racist Roots of Flint’s Water Crisis
Read and Listen To: Racial Demographics and Pollution Levels
Participate on Job Discrimination Discussions
Complete and Review Module 3 Study Guide
Take Quiz (29 questions)
1. Job Discrimination Discussion Posts
In this module, we discussed the various ways that people of color are discriminated against in the labor market, particularly when trying to obtain employment. These forms of discrimination include but are not limited to, racial discrimination based on name, racial discrimination based on address, discrimination based on the intersection of race and criminal record, racial and ethnic considerations in the way society values jobs, interpersonal racism, homosocial reproduction, etc. Choose 2 ways that racial and ethnic minorities are discriminated against in the labor market and propose and explain 2 practices and / or policies to combat these forms of discrimination. You must start 1 thread and respond to 3 classmates.
– 3 peer responses

solved Topic: Â How do you help your community prepare for

Topic:  How do you help your community prepare for a possible disaster? What should they have in their disaster kit and why? This is a household preparation. 
Ebook link:     login details will be shared. 
Getting Started
Where were you when the first plane hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center? Do you remember what you were doing when Hurricane Katrina hit the Louisiana coastline? Do you remember the tsunami that hit Indonesia? What about the earthquake that leveled Haiti? All of these events were turning points in history and have had an impact on how the world powers operate and collaborate, as well as how the US does business with other countries. These events have even affected how we pack when we travel by plane. If you were a nurse when these events occurred, did you help with the recovery efforts? As you look forward, would you consider helping with the recovery in the wake of disasters?
In this discussion, you will take a closer look at the role of public health nurses in assisting with disaster management and recovery. In your reading, you will discover the agencies that will prepare you both personally and professionally to impart care at the point of need in a disaster. Disaster training is an ever-evolving educational process; far from static, it has changed dramatically since the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. As presented in Workshop Five, you chose a disaster topic to research.  In this discussion, post your findings for your peers. Come ready to learn how to prepare your home, your family, and your professional self to deal with a disaster.
Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:
Differentiate various roles and responsibilities of nurses throughout the disaster management cycle.
Describe the collaborative effort between nurses, interprofessional colleagues, and community stakeholders in the disaster management cycle.
Textbook: Public Health Nursing: Population-centered Health Care in the Community
Background Information
In Workshop Five, 5.4 Discussion: Selection of Disaster Topic, you selected one of the choices for discussion concerning disaster management. During Workshop Six, you will share a brief synopsis of that topic and discuss the impact of nursing and interprofessional collaboration throughout the process.
Review the appropriate rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
Read Chapter 23 and review Chapter 15 in the textbook, Public Health Nursing: Population-centered Health Care in the Community.
Prepare to discuss the following prompts:
Share the topic you chose and include a brief (two-paragraph, 200-word) synopsis.
Describe the roles and responsibilities of nurses involved, and the phase(s) of the disaster management cycle addressed through this offering. If the role of the nurse is not mentioned in your course, describe your thoughts on the nurse’s roles in this scenario.
Discuss the impact of collaboration between nursing, interprofessional colleagues, and community stakeholders evident within the course offering.

solved……… – “Memory of the Camps” online Read – “A People’s War?” from A People’s History Watch – “On Our Watch” onlineAfter viewing “Memory of the Camps,” how has your
understanding of World War II changed? What are your thoughts
surrounding this genocide that claimed the lives of nearly 12 million
“undesirables” (including not only Jews, but also, Africans, Asians,
the physically and mentally challenged, homosexuals, gypsies, and
on and on the list could go of all the groups singled out by Hitler
and the Third Reich) from throughout the European continent?Write your discussion post in 150 words.THEN, RESPOND TO THESE POSTS WITH 3-4 SENTENCESRESPOND#1I find it interesting that former US President Truman will bomb Japan even after interfering with Japan- Russia conversation.Germany invaded Soviet Russia, and the American Communist party, which had repeatedly described the war between the Axis Powers and the Allied Powers as an imperialist war, now called it a “people’s war” against Fascism.Hitler’s Germany was extending totalitarianism, racism, militarism, and overt aggressive warfare beyond what an already cynical world had experienced.Pearl Harbor was introduced to the American public.America had sent troops to Peking with other nations, to assert Western supremacy in China, and kept them there for over thirty years.undefinedIn the video “Memory in the Camps” made me feel a lot of scary things. The war has destroyed many things. I could see corpses on the stress, mass graves, and soldiers carrying bodies in the video. I felt it was terrifying that they were being treated cruelly. They had to sleep cramped together and had nothing to eat for many days, making the number of exhausted people dying greatly. In such a society, the German government does not seem to homelessness, millions of death.RESPOND #2 The way women are being treated in our society and in the media is devastating. Women have done great work to improve our society yet they are not being credited for the works that they do. In high school when we talk about inventions that helped our society we always talk about men, but we never really give credit to the women that helped us have better lives through their inventions. When I watched the video “Killing Us Softly” it really disterbed me, because I never saw blatant disrespect that was being shown by the advertising towards women. These types of advertisements are dangerous because they would be teaching young girls that they are ugly, too dark, and too tall to be considered beautiful. The way that women are portrayed in advertisements and in our society play a major role in under-representation of women in many positions. I believe we as the people have to stop the madness, because if we dont young girls will be depressed because they will want to be like the girls that are in the magazines and young boys will not treat women with the respect and dignity that they deserve.

solved first partThis week you will be posting about one thing

first partThis week you will be posting about one thing you learned about in Chapter 8. You just need to write a couple of sentences on it and describe what it is and why it is interesting. Here is the catch…you have to write about something that no one else has posted about yet! So the sooner you post, the easier it will be. Make sure you only talk about one topic (person, event, place, etc) so that there will be enough topics for the whole class! If you complete the assignment earlier, you will have more topics to choose from, and those will be easier to explain!second part-This assignment we are going to work on our Student Learning Outcomes. These are the things you are supposed to be able do when you finish this class. We have 3 of them!1) Analyze primary and secondary sources and explain how they support a thesis statement2) Explain relationships between the causes of historical events and their effects.3) Describe a relevant individual involved in an historical event and explain his/her significance in this event.1) Analyze primary and secondary sources (Links to an external site.) and explain how they support a thesis statementThis means a few things. First you have to understand what a primary and/or a secondary source is. And then understand what a thesis statement (Links to an external site.) is. Lastly, you should be able to see how a source supports (or does not support) a thesis statement. Here is a very basic example of a thesis statement: “The quality of life for many Americans during the Great Depression was very bad when compared to other generations.” A primary source that would support that statement would be a letter written by someone living in the 1930s that says “My life is terrible! It was sooooo much better in the 1920s, OMG! I have no job, my kids can’t eat and I am sick. I wish I could LOL but it is too hard!” Reading that, you would think they didn’t have a good life, and would say that letter supports you thesis statement.2) Explain relationships between the causes of historical events and their effects.This one perhaps is a little easier. For example, take Buddhism. Siddhartha Gautama sat beneath the famous tree and meditated and then he had an awakening. This was one of the causes of the creation of the religion known as Buddhism. One of the effects of it was that Buddhism became a very popular religion that is still practiced widely around the globe.3) Describe a relevant individual involved in an historical event and explain his/her significance in this event.Perhaps the easiest, and most of you have already done this in the short answers on our test. You just need to talk about a person and a historical event, and why that person was important to it. For example, “In 2021 the Padres won the World Series. Alan Renga played a significant role in this, because he struck out 89 batters and hit 8 home runs for the Padres.”So for this assignment, I want you to pick one of the SLOs, describe it in your own words, and give an example from chapter 9 that shows you understand it! It is worth 10 points and is due Monday September 20th at 11:59

solved write a 8 – 10 page paper (MLA format with

write a 8 – 10 page paper (MLA format with citations) based on their learning and understanding of the field of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior. This research paper will reflect student understanding of the following SLO & PLOs:

analyze the impact of specific practices, programs, and benchmarks (qualitative / quantitative) used by organizations to support valuing diversity.
analyze the impact of tools, methods, and significant barriers, for effective Internal organizational communication.
explore or analyze the impact of Change Management on profitability.
analyze the impact of key HR drivers for organizational innovation and sustainability

Research Paper 

Read:’s “2019 Workforce 100: Ranking the World’s Top Companies For HR” – , carefully examine each of the companies that made the list, and select one organization for you to do a deep dive into
Pretend that we have no idea who this company is or what they do – provide the following to give us a sense of “who they are” (not limited to these items): an introduction to the company, background, history, driving philosophies / mission, products / services (what they are known for), strategic goals, and etc. Whatever you feel is pertinent and important in the context of HR
Research and thoroughly discuss your selected company’s approach to the following areas of HR / organizational behavior (this should be the core section you spend the most time on):

HR Planning / Human Capital Strategy
Staffing / Recruitment / Selection / Onboarding
Performance Management
Training and Development
One Other Category of Your Choosing (Examples: Compensation & Benefits / Diversity and Inclusion / Technology / Global Business)

should demonstrate the ability to research existing literature / information and integrate new ideas into the current understanding of the OB / HRM arena.  As researchers, you are expected to contribute to “the body of knowledge”.

What should they change? Why does the company approach the topic a certain way? What research / data / principles / theories are they basing their practices on? What do you think will improve their strategy? How can they continue to be successful in the next year / 5 years / 10 years? Etc.
Make your you use what you’ve learned and researched to contribute to the wholistic understanding of the topic from an HR standpoint – provide value added commentary / information

Consider the following for structure:

Section (1) a well honed thesis statement and introduction
Section (2) recap of the company
Section (3) dissecting the company’s approach to different aspects of HR – including a comprehensive review of the literature / articles / sources / studies / etc. – discuss methodology, consider including specific details of your research design – qualitative research methods (ex: interviews) or a quantitative research methods (ex: surveys)
Section (4) a conclusion which adequately summarizes your research and directly relates to your thesis statement