solved 1.Craft a research question from your original Lesson 1 Discussion

1.Craft a research question from your original Lesson 1 Discussion “burning question.” This doesn’t mean your burning question will automatically be your research question – you will probably need to phrase it more specifically. Consider the list of research questions below and in this chart as examples. 2.What are the main variables involved in your question? What is the operational definition (how you will measure the variables) of each variable involved in your question? Watch the Operational Definitions video for guidance. operational definition – YouTube Digging into these details means you might find you need to further craft or rephrase your research question, and decide again which variables you’ll focus on. That is absolutely fine and part of the process.3.Look over the attached chart to help you determine which research method (case study, naturalistic observation, survey, archival research, quasi-experimental, experimental method, or correlational study) would work best for your research question. 4.Explain why you chose the research method you did to try and answer your question. Distinguish between your personal preferences for one method over another, and how well the method actually fits your research question as opposed to the other methods – address both of these. Reference your chapter text – you can copy and paste the citation example below and insert the relevant page number(s).5.Would there any ethical issues involved in using your chosen method to answer your question? Explain why or why not.After you have posted your initial response (of at least 150-250 words), read several of your classmates’ messages and reply substantively and respectfully to at least two of your peers’ posts. Ask questions if you don’t understand something – this conversation can help you approach and understand the research methods that you did NOT choose.original lesson 1 discussion :”What’s the role of motivation in making one a complete person? Motivation is one of the most important topics in the study of psychology because nothing moves without motivation. For a person to progress in life and achieve whatever one dreams of, the person has to be motivated by either rewards or punishment. Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory provides an excellent explanation about why people have different motivation at different levels. The physiological needs, safety and security needs, belonging needs, self-esteem needs and finally self- actualizations needs make one from an ordinary organism to a complete human being who would go past the basic needs to fulfil one’s destiny with a greater purpose in life. Motivation makes one strong and focus one’s attention bringing the to complete a task by physical, mental and emotional capabilities together. This would mean that those who are motivated would move forward and achieve whatever they want to irrespective of their race, color, ethnicity, religion, culture etc. people look for Motivated an opportunity in all the problems but others look for the problems in every opportunity thus motivation makes one forward. The more optimistic and driven.”

solved Short answers for three questions: Page 1 ( Three paragraphs):

Short answers for three questions: Page 1 ( Three paragraphs): Please respond to the following: Question 1: “The 8th Amendment Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause and Proportionality” Read and analyze the article “Furman’s Resurrection: Proportionality Review and the Supreme Court’s Second Chance to Fulfill Furman’s Promise” located at Support or criticize the author’s position that the use of a meaningful proportionality review of a death penalty case can reduce the risk of an arbitrary death sentence. Justify your position and respond to no less than one of your peers.Review the following scenario: (Note: In your reply response, think like a defense attorney – did the DA make a good proof for their case?)Part 1: X-rated videos are a multibillion-dollar business in the United States, which some argue contributes to increased violence against women and the desensitization of sexual assault crimes. Give your opinion on this issue, and discuss the extent to which you think social media helps to foster this belief. Justify your position.Part 2: Given the proliferation of smartphones and advancements in smartphone technology, “upskirting” has become a crime in some states. Explain this crime, determine whether your state recognizes it as a crime, and explain how it is related to an invasion of privacy. Justify your position. Page 2 (Three paragraphs) Please respond to the following: Question 2: “Assault, Battery, or Neither” oVera Victim is walking to towards her car in the shopping mall parking lot when a man suddenly jumps in front of her, points a knife in her face, and demands her purse. Attacker strikes Vera and rips the handle of her purse. Fortunately, Vera took self-defense class and hits Attacker with her knee and fists, keeps her purse, and runs to safety. oYou are an assistant DA, so determine how you would charge attacker in the jurisdiction in which the crime has occurred (that’s your own state, so check your state’s statutes.) Should attacker’s actions be charged as assault, battery, both, neither? Justify your response – using the facts from the scenario, prove each element of the statute you chose to charge attacker with. Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research assault, battery, and crimes against persons. Page 3 (Three Paragraphs) Please respond to the following: Question 3: X-rated videos and Upskirting! (Note: This question has 2 parts.) Part 1: X-rated videos are a multibillion-dollar business in the United States, which some argue contributes to increased violence against women and the desensitization of sexual assault crimes. Give your opinion on this issue, and discuss the extent to which you think social media helps to foster this belief. Justify your position.Part 2: Given the proliferation of smartphones and advancements in smartphone technology, “upskirting” has become a crime in some states. Explain this crime, determine whether your state recognizes it as a crime, and explain how it is related to an invasion of privacy. Justify your position.

solved Assignment: Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare IssueThe Quadruple Aim provides

Assignment: Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare IssueThe Quadruple Aim provides broad categories of goals to pursue to maintain and improve healthcare. Within each goal are many issues that, if addressed successfully, may have a positive impact on outcomes. For example, healthcare leaders are being tasked to shift from an emphasis on disease management often provided in an acute care setting to health promotion and disease prevention delivered in primary care settings. Efforts in this area can have significant positive impacts by reducing the need for primary healthcare and by reducing the stress on the healthcare system.Changes in the industry only serve to stress what has always been true; namely, that the healthcare field has always faced significant challenges, and that goals to improve healthcare will always involve multiple stakeholders. This should not seem surprising given the circumstances. Indeed, when a growing population needs care, there are factors involved such as the demands of providing that care and the rising costs associated with healthcare. Generally, it is not surprising that the field of healthcare is an industry facing multifaceted issues that evolve over time.In this module’s Discussion, you reviewed some healthcare issues/stressors and selected one for further review. For this Assignment, you will consider in more detail the healthcare issue/stressor you selected. You will also review research that addresses the issue/stressor and write a white paper to your organization’s leadership that addresses the issue/stressor you selected.To Prepare:Review the national healthcare issues/stressors presented in the Resources and reflect on the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected for study.Reflect on the feedback you received from your colleagues on your Discussion post for the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected.Identify and review two additional scholarly resources (not included in the Resources for this module) that focus on change strategies implemented by healthcare organizations to address your selected national healthcare issue/stressor.The Assignment (3-4 Pages):Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare IssueDevelop a 3- to 4-page paper, written to your organization’s leadership team, addressing your selected national healthcare issue/stressor and how it is impacting your work setting. Be sure to address the following:Describe the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected and its impact on your organization. Use organizational data to quantify the impact (if necessary, seek assistance from leadership or appropriate stakeholders in your organization).Provide a brief summary of the two articles you reviewed from outside resources on the national healthcare issue/stressor. Explain how the healthcare issue/stressor is being addressed in other organizations.Summarize the strategies used to address the organizational impact of national healthcare issues/stressors presented in the scholarly resources you selected. Explain how they may impact your organization both positively and negatively. Be specific and provide examples.

solved Please watch the following:

Please watch the following:

The purpose of this discussion assignment is to familiarize you with the purpose and components of a research proposal, and to allow an opportunity for you to get some feedback on your ideas for the Final Paper.
In your initial post,
Briefly describe the purpose of a research proposal and its components.
Present your research question and/or hypothesis.
Give some background information on the topic, including citing one or two previous related studies with their references.
Name the research design you would like to use.
Defend why you feel it is the most appropriate way to study your research question.

Discuss potential ethical issues that might arise and what you would do to address them.
Document your sources in APA Style 
In this assignment we are having you lay out the important aspects of your proposal. Follow the bulleted points:
Describe the purpose: The purpose of a research proposal is: 1. To provide a clear, correct description of the research to be done 2. To include sufficient information so “others” (readers) understand the conceptualization of your idea. 3. To find (ascertain) that others (such as instructors) can assess the design efficacy (is this the correct design to answer the research question). 4. To assess the likelihood of actually being able to do and complete the proposed study.
Present your research question: Previously in this course I helped you re-write your research question and we settled on a methodology (qualitative or quantitative and the type) based on the focus of your study. USE THE RESEARCH QUESTION WE DEVISED. You can find this written in the Week 2 Assignment feedback.
Background information: This is also known in research as the Review of Literature. It gives background as to what has been studied about your topic and adds credence to the importance of your topic. Do searches looking for articles about your topic and any studies that have been published about your topic. Be sure to cite these references in the body of the text as well as on the Reference list at the end of the paper.

Name your research design: – this comes right along with your research question – and would be mentioned in the question itself.
Explain why your research question and design is the appropriate (correct) way to go. That answer will also be found where I explained to you why we were writing the research question as we did – go back and review my comments carefully (Week 2 Assignment feedback).
Discuss any ethical issues. This might include things like using a proper sample; providing informed consent; using the correct assessment (quantitative) or interviewing technique (qualitative).

Research Question Devised:
(Using a qualitative phenomenological approach with a purposive sample of clinical, child, and developmental psychologists, explore best practices for the treatment of mild to moderate Autism in children ages 6 – 10, including the treatment with Behavior Modification Therapy.)

solved During this week’s readings, an understanding of the advertising will

During this week’s readings, an understanding of the advertising will be emphasized, as well as, a basic understanding of how these messages are developed. Advertising is the primary means by which a company communicates to its customers about its products and brands, and position in the marketplace. Claims made in ads should be accurate and consistent with all a company’s messages and actions. TV commercials and print ads represent much of the typical advertising budget, but companies also advertise their brands in everything they do. Thus, many advertising gurus prefer the more general term “Integrated Marketing Communications” (IMC), which is broad enough to include other media (e.g., public relations, direct marketing), and it reminds the marketer to be sure the message has a holistic nature and is consistent and complementary across all media choices and executions. Advertising has both short- and long-term effects. Several of the short-term effects of advertising can be shown. For example, customers’ memory of ads and brands and attributes are easily measured. Attitudes are also easily surveyed and may be compared to prior attitudes (measured previously) to assess any change in valence. Advertising is a means of communication. Marketers must understand the basic model of dyadic communication. In the classic model, there is a source (e.g., the firm), a message (e.g., the ad), and a receiver (e.g., customer). The source intends to send out certain information, which is encoded (i.e., expressed in a certain way) and then transmitted. The receiver then decodes the message. Hopefully, the receiver interprets the content of the message in a manner like what the sender had intended. But there can be errors along the way. That is why copy testing (marketing research examining the content of the ad) is important, before launching the full ad campaign, to learn whether the intended target segment understands the message as the company intended. Goals must be set before ads can be evaluated. There are several classes of advertising communications messages. Rational or cognitive ads include one- and two-side arguments, comparative and non-comparative ads, product demonstrations, and dramas. Emotional ads include humorous and fear-inducing appeals, images, and endorsements. Advertising is tested via concept testing and copy testing. The content of what is measured depends on the corporate strategic goals of the ad campaign, and those assessments can include: Memory tests (recall and recognition), Attitudinal tests (enhancement of the favorability of the product and brand), and Behavioral measures (likely to purchase the brand or generate positive word-of-mouth)During this week’s readings, Integrated marketing communications (IMC) will be discussed, along with how the impact of Social Media is changing the Marketing landscape. IMC refers to the idea that marketing planning should ensure that a company’s various advertising efforts send a coherent story across the different customer touchpoints. Most companies spend on their entire communications package (i.e.

solved So my project is called LoveOnly 1. The people targeted

So my project is called LoveOnly
1. The people targeted by the creation of this company are all those who have difficulty finding a sexual or love partner due to their situation, whether social, physical or mental. This company thus offers a service intended for the handicapped people, the sick, the dwarfs, the old people or quite simply with a single person and seeking a partner of life. The situation of these people mentioned above is an undeniable obstacle to their sexual or love life. They are left out and spend most of their lives living alone.
2. It is thus a dating application whose name would be “Loveonly” bringing together for the first time any category of people, all genders and origins combined, giving importance and value to each profile rather than wanting to unify like other sites without taking into account the social barriers that some profiles will face. A registration form that is as detailed as possible will make it possible to associate a profile with a category and to propose only a specific category of profiles. A disabled person, for example, could be listed according to his or her disability and have access to profiles living with the same disability. Or a transgender person in the pre-operation stage could, if they so wish, be offered similar profiles on the application. From a marketing point of view, the slogan of the application would be “Love who you are, or someone will do it for you”. The advertising poster would show all the existing profiles, allowing anyone who sees the poster to recognise themselves.
its basically a dating app but with more filters!

The first thing I need you to do is to write out the hypothesis and create 3 fake interviews


Can you give me a little bit of background on what you’re looking for when it comes to love and relationships?
Do you use dating apps?


Which dating apps do you use?
What is your experience with dating apps?


Why haven’t you used dating apps?
What would entice you to use dating apps in the future?

When you log onto a dating app, what do you think users are looking for? (casual chatting, meeting up, long-term relationships, etc.)
What do you think are the main user-facing problems with popular dating apps?
Do you think that dating apps’ premium subscription model (like Tinder and Bumble) makes sense? Would you buy it?

IF NO: What types of features would make you buy it?

Based on your experience (IF USE DATING APPS) / understanding (IF DON”T USE DATING APPS), how do you think dating apps can be improved?
What types of niche sectors and categories would you feel compelled to use in a dating app?
Have you ever felt that dating apps feel limited in the people that they appeal to?
When/if you use dating apps, do you feel like you can meet someone who you can develop a long-term relationship with?
Are there any groups of people that you feel are underrepresented on dating apps? Who are they?
(FOR PEOPLE WHO USE DATING APPS) do you feel that your dating profile is authentic to your true self, or do you feel you have to change it for fear of judgement?

solved Anyone who watches television or listens to radio has probably

Anyone who watches television or listens to radio has probably encountered an advertisement for a prescription drug.  Direct-to-consumer (DTC) promoting of pharmaceuticals offers a microcosm view of the issues surrounding marketing in healthcare. Some believe that healthcare services providers should avoid marketing, a tradition that holds professions above commercial promotion of products. Others counter that advertising is merely educating consumers and creating a more effective healthcare system. By examining the fundamental precepts of marketing and these opposing views in the context of the dynamic healthcare system, we can understand the benefits of effective marketing and the unseen side effects that can result.
Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:
Explain the basic principles of marketing and how they relate to healthcare.
Evaluate direct-to-consumer marketing of healthcare products and services from ethical and major moral principle perspectives.

Textbook: Healthcare Marketing: A Case Study Approach

Article: Prescription Drug Ads: Pros and Cons – Should Prescription Drugs Be Advertised Directly to Consumers?
Article: ProCon’s Drug Ads Gallery
Article: FDA-Approved Prescription Drugs Later Pulled from the Market
Article: FDA Requirements for Prescription Drug Ads
Article: Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising – Therapeutic or Toxic?

Article: Direct-to-consumer advertising under fire

Background Information
Only two nations in the developed world permit direct-to-consumer advertising of pharmaceuticals.  Some see this advertising as encouraging informed consumers, while others contend that it constitutes inappropriate commercialization of a professional activity.  In many ways, this debate reflects the greater issue of marketing and advertising of professional services, a practice traditionally avoided but increasingly used.

Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
Read the following chapters in the textbook:

Chapter 1: The Healthcare Industry and Healthcare Marketing
Chapter 2: The Growth of Marketing Efforts in Healthcare
Chapter 3: Strategy and Healthcare Marketing
Chapter 4: Ethics and Healthcare Marketing
Chapter 8: The Public
On review the following articles:
Prescription Drug Ads: Pros and Cons – Should Prescription Drugs be Advertised Directly to Consumers?
ProCon’s Drug Ads Gallery
FDA-Approved Prescription Drugs Later Pulled from the Market
FDA Requirements for Prescription Drug Ads

Read these articles on DTC marketing:
“Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising – Therapeutic or Toxic?”

“Direct-to-consumer advertising under fire”

Based on this workshop’s textbook readings and website readings, answer these questions in a three page paper:
What ethical principles apply to DTC pharmaceutical marketing?
Does DTC marketing empower consumers or enrich manufacturers?
Assume you are in a position to recommend to the FDA whether DTC marketing should be allowed, modified, or discontinued.  What will you say?

solved It’s not uncommon to hear Americans discuss their rights as

It’s not uncommon to hear Americans discuss their rights as U.S. citizens. But do Americans have the rights they claim to have? What is the government supposed to provide? Which level of government, federal or state, is responsible for what? What responsibilities do citizens have to the government? These are questions that are important to social workers. Social work practice influences policy and policy influences social work practice.
Writing a letter to your legislator about an issue important to you is a great way to become involved in legislative advocacy. Effective letters are rarely over two pages in length and are concise as well as constructive. A typical letter will describe the issue, the current law, proposed changes to the law, and indicate how the proposed changes will affect the issue.
To Prepare

Identify an existing policy or a proposed policy at the local, state, or national level.
Identify an existing law or a proposed bill that is linked to this policy.
Record relevant information about the policy in as complete a form as possible. For a bill, this includes the bill number and title. For an existing law or act, this includes the complete name of the law.
For example, you may have heard of a “504 plan,” but referring to a “504” is shorthand. The full title of the act is: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Be prepared to write a summary of the policy that is separate from the letter.
Consider the audience of your letter—someone who is familiar with the policy. Demonstrate that you know what the act contains in relation to what you are advocating for or against. However, you do not need to summarize the policy in the letter the way you do for your Instructor.
Tip: Write the summary before you write the letter. This will help ensure that you know the key points to raise in your letter.
Write a 2-page advocacy letter that will be sent via mail or e-mail to a public official supporting or opposing a policy under consideration at the local, state, or national level.

Your letter should be single-spaced. Although your academic papers are normally double-spaced, your letter should follow the form of a standard business letter.

Address your letter to the appropriate government representative.
Identify an existing law or a proposed bill associated with the policy issue and be sure to note the bill number and title or the official name of the law in the letter.

Be specific but brief so the letter recipient is very clear, as soon as possible, about what she or he is reading.

State your position on the policy, law, and/or bill.

Again, be specific but succinct.

Provide a brief rationale for your position.
Use your knowledge of the policy to stake out one to three concrete examples of why you are advocating for your position.
Conclude by informing the representative of steps you’d like to see taken to address this issue.
Write a 1-page summary of the policy and related law or bill that you have written about in your letter.

This is separate from your letter—it is for your Instructor and not for the letter recipient.


solved BeGood Baking Supply is a small bakery supply company formed

BeGood Baking Supply is a small bakery supply company formed as a closely held corporation. The company supplies raw baking materials, paper goods, and equipment to restaurants and bakeries in 3 states in the upper mid-west. Most of its business however, is located in a large metropolitan area. BeGood wants to increase its presence in the region and serve 5 states. In fact, the owners of BeGood would like 75% of their business to come from throughout the region rather than the current metropolitan area. In order to do this the owners understand they must diversify offerings and lines of business.Currently, BeGood has a phone center where customer orders are taken; these orders are then sent to shipping where the order is filled in its large warehouse and shipped within 4 days. Be Good outsources its shipping to a local trucking company. Once the order ships, all paperwork goes to the accounting department where it is entered into the accounting system. BeGood still uses the same accounting system it has used since the inception of the company. All aging of receivables and other analysis is done using Excel spreadsheets. Purchasing and tracking of inventory are done solely by the warehouse manager. Invoices for inventory purchasing are sent to the accounting department when goods are received.The owners at Be Good are wondering how they can utilize an online presence and further automate its systems in order to facilitate its growth and diversify its business. The owners may also like to expand into the retail business.You have been hired as a full-time staff accountant at BeGood Baking Supply and have been given the task of evaluating and recommending a viable accounting information system for the accounting and financial data of BeGood in order to facilitate expansion and diversification. As you begin your research, you realize that many departments are involved in the information system, and communication is key.InstructionsYou are now ready to address the specifics of the new AIS at BeGood. As part of your research, document the following, which would become part of your final presentation to management, if you were carrying the project through to the end. Your documentation can be in the form of tables, SmartArt, PowerPoint, Word, or Excel. Use what best works for the documentation you are creating:Identify the tables that you would need to create a working database for the company’s receivables, payables, and inventory.Create relationships for your various tables and databases. For instance, how does the A/P database interface with the Inventory Database?Document your work providing a databases diagram (schema).Documenting an organization’s AIS would become part of a larger scale user manual for the accounting and information technology teams to use for reference and to assist the audit team with understanding how the organization’s systems work together. Write the appropriate policies and procedures that arise from the tasks above that would be included in this type of user manual. Your information should also address the security of the systems involved.

solved write about the song Train’s Song “Drops of Jupiter”. Students

write about the song Train’s Song “Drops of Jupiter”.
Students are assigned to write a 200-word literary analysis of Alanis Morrissette’s song “Ironic,” using the posted link entitled “The Three Common Uses of Irony” to determine (or argue) how many of the scenarios described in the song actually fit the definition of “irony.” 
OR, students may choose to write a 200-word literary analysis of either Bob Dylan’s song “All Along the Watchtower” or Train’s song “Drops of Jupiter,” both of which will have been discussed in class. OR, students may choose to write a 200-word literary analysis of a short story that we have covered in class that they DO NOT plan to write about for the 700-800 word major short story literary analysis essay.
All student papers should follow the nine guidelines of writing a literary analysis essay, be organized into paragraphs, have a clear thesis statement followed by topic sentences supported by adequate, relevant details, an original title, an introduction, conclusion, transitions, an interesting lead, and follow MLA format for both in-text and end citations.
“Drops of Jupiter” by Train

(First Verse)
1  Now that she’s back in the atmosphere
2  With drops of Jupiter in her hair (hey, hey),
3  She acts like summer and walks like rain–
4  Reminds me that there’s time to change (hey, hey).
5  Since the return from her stay on the moon,
6  She listens like spring, and she talks like June (hey, hey).
(First chorus)
7  Tell me, did you sail across the sun?
8  Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
9  And that heaven is overrated?
10  Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star?
11  One without a permanent scar
12  And did you miss me while you were looking at yourself out there?
(Second verse)
13  Now that she’s back from that soul vacation,
14  Tracing her way through the constellation (hey, hey),
15  She checks out Mozart while she does tae-bo–
16  Reminds me that there’s time to grow (hey, hey)
17  Now that she’s back in the atmosphere
18  I’m afraid that she might think of me as plain ol’ Jane,
19  Told a story about a man who is too afraid of fly, so he never did land.
(Second chorus)
20  Tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet?
21  Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day?
22  And head back to the Milky Way?
23  And, tell me, did Venus blow your mind?
24  Was it everything you wanted to find?
25  And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?
(Third verse)
26  Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken,
27  Your best friend always sticking up for you–even when I know you’re wrong?
28  Can you imagine no first dance, freeze-dried romance, five-hour phone
29  Conversation,
30  The best soy latte that you ever had . . . and me?
(Third chorus)
31  Tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet?
32  Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
33  And head back to the Milky Way?
(Repeat first chorus)
“Drops of Jupiter” by Train
Train.  “Drops of Jupiter.”  Drops of Jupiter.  Columbia, 2001.